LIES You’ll Swallow Before Your Diet Plan Begins

LIES You’ll Swallow Before Your Diet Plan Begins


A two year plan: Liane’s year one update.

The latest word on the street is that now a whopping 92% of people do NOT accomplish the goals (read: resolutions) that they set in Jan. I’ve been quoting 85% (the last touted statistic) for years, but now it’s really time to stand up and take notice. Let me restate that in case there’s any misunderstanding: New Year’s resolutions (and almost any goal set nowadays) are nearly guaranteed to fail! What the?!?

I pray that this upsets you as much as it does me. Especially if you’re one of many that finds yourself setting the same goals – over. and. over.

It’s time to stop believing the myth of just setting intentions out into the atmosphere, and wishing on a star that they’ll come true. We are missing the mark in goal setting. If we ever hope to change that path, we must first shut the door on the lies we tell ourselves about the process of success and achieving.  Beware of jumping into goals -especially weight loss – without being mentally prepared.

Taking a moment to mentally make sure that you have what it takes before you start, is critical to when and where you end.

Ready for a reality check?


12e1fc01e437ad9c5ffe32806fef634aThe lie: Things are going to be different this time.

Reality check: How? Are you putting steps into place to make sure of this?

It’s very easy for us to spout off, in a moment of determination, “This time…is going to be different!” – yet approach it in the exact same way as before.  #fail

While the origin of this thought is dead on (we MUST do things differently, in order to achieve a different result), the action required is left hanging in the balance.  In order for this time to be different than last, you need an action plan – not just a random diet plan.  Brainstorm in advance ideas for how to make this time different (ditching fads, working out consistently, lifting weights, hitting macros, etc). Then break those ideas into baby steps that you can actually do until they are second nature (daily walk, more protein at breakfast, higher fiber at lunch, etc).  This is especially important to understand if you typically dive in headfirst to new changes, but fizzle out quickly.

Have a plan of attack to make this your best year yet, and rock out the results of this change permanently.


The lie: I got this… just gotta stick it out this time.

Reality check: If it requires too much willpower, it won’t work long term.

Thinking that you can just white knuckle your way into change is a recipe for disaster.  Willpower is not an unlimited resource that you just have to “try harder” with.  You only have ONE willpower reserve, so use it wisely, and have a plan for when it runs out.  This means that if you have a fairly stressful life, you should NOT attempt to change your entire diet, quit smoking, start exercising, and organize your life — all at the same time.  Something’s gotta give, and trust that it will.

So you may find yourself eating “perfectly” all day/week, then binging on nights/weekends. Willpower will eventually run out, so a diet setup with willpower as the primary success component will fail. Period. Adherence is the number one predictor of success.  So an imperfect diet that you can consistently stick to, will always trump the perfect diet that you don’t.

Make sure that your change is slow and gradual – and has YOU written all over it.

img_1498The lie: I’ll just try it for a while.

Reality check: Think long term.  Don’t change things that you can’t/don’t plan on sticking to for the long haul.

Allow me to state the obvious: If you only plan on applying something short term, then short term results are inevitable.  If you’re going into a style of eating, imagining the day that you’ll go back to your old way of eating once it’s “over”…then you’re not making a lifestyle change.  If you are dreaming of the day that you can eat donuts/chocolate/chips, etc. again, you’re doing it wrong.  Find ways to incorporate those dreams items along the way.  (Trust me, it’s possible!).  Your way of eating should be set up so that you don’t have brief streaks of perfection, followed by the all-too-predictable nosedive.

If you don’t have enough room in your diet for a planned daily indulgence (or two), then it’s extremely likely that you’re being too strict, or are not eating enough for sustainable fat loss.

In order to finish strong, we must start with the right mindset. In part two of this series, we’ll address the lies that we tell ourselves along the way, and how approach (and survive!) the speed bumps, potholes, and detours of this journey.

No more lies, fam – lets do this!



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3 Ways to Tell if a Diet Will Work for YOU

3 Ways to Tell if a Diet Will Work for YOU

3 ways to tell if a diet will work for you There are 3 ways to tell if a diet will work for you. During this time of year we are being bombarded with diet ads, and “New Year, New You” promises blare at us from every angle in the grocery checkout line.  As you’re scouring the diet book aisle, or looking to hit “purchase” on that new online program, make sure that you are checking to see if the plan suits your lifestyle, priorities, and sustainability needs.  Here’s three ways to tell, right off the bat, if a diet will work for YOU.

Does it Exclude Foods You Adore?

If it doesn’t allow you to eat foods that you love, why waste your time?  How could that possibly be sustainable in the long run?

If you find the “perfect” weight loss plan, and it removes every food that you’ve ever loved, don’t expect to be able to keep it up for long.  This should be your first red flag that the diet is not going to be sustainable.  Any eating plan that helps you to lose weight (preferably from fat), needs to be something that you are going to be able to stick to.  So make sure that it allows you to eat foods that you love, in moderation.  You may be convinced that such a thing is not possible — and that you must be punished for your sins of weight gain — but this is a MUST.  If fave foods aren’t included,  you will not be able to be consistent.  Even if you do lose the weight, the second you begin to eat “normal” again (adding back all the things you cut out during your “diet”), it all piles back on (and then some).

Does it allow you to be flexible?

3 ways to tell if a diet will work for youLet’s say it does cut back on certain types foods, and you don’t mind.  Maybe you do truly want to reduce your intake of it, or start eating less of certain things overall, is there still a flexibility aspect to it? Or are the rules very strict? If you go “off track,” will you ruin your diet and feel hopeless?

It shouldn’t be all or nothing.  If the diet doesn’t allow you to eat cake at your sons birthday, have the occasional dessert, drink that glass of wine when you’re out with your husband, how will you feel during those moments?  Can you decide to eat something (that maybe you’re not eating all of the time) during a special occasion, without feeling like “ugh!…I blew my diet!”?

If that’s the case, then whatever you’re doing is probably not sustainable. One of my favorite quotes from Leslie Schilling, says that “if what you’re doing requires you to cheat…it is not sustainable or healthy.”  If you have to have cheat days (including unplanned binges), where you’re allowing yourself to go off-the-rails, eating any and everything…then maybe you need to be rethinking it.  If you don’t have flexibility, and permission to eat the foods you love built in to your diet, you’re eventually going off-the-rails anyway.  The best example of this is the “I’ll start my diet Monday” mentality.

If Monday through Friday your diet is perfection, but Saturday and Sunday you’re binging so much that it completely outweighs what you did the rest of the week — then it was pointless. You’d have been better off having some type of treat everyday, in small amounts, rather than going crazy on the final day.  Often we spend so much time during the week avoiding the craving, only to give in at a later time (aka the weekend). The problem is that we could have simply had a small amount and been fulfilled when the craving was small, rather than “needing” to insanely overeat the same food when we eventually run out of willpower.

before and durign pics.

Sawanda, a long time Crusher showing that weight loss does not equal fat loss

Dieting plays an enormous role in Binge Eating Disorder (BED).  We spend so much of our lives dieting, and trying to claim victory over our willpower, that we don’t realize what’s happening.  Restriction is the most common precursor to binging. Refusing to acknowledge this, triggers a nasty cycle:  you horrible that you binged, but since you’ve “already ruined it” you keep going, vowing to start your diet Monday (again). Come Monday, you’re super strict (again), yet you can only hold out for so long…then you binge. Rinse. Repeat.

Does it Promise Specific Amounts of Weight Loss? 

Weight loss is individual to you.  Anything that touts “10 pounds in 10 days” or otherwise promises you’re going to lose a certain amount of weight in a specific amount of time is bull…crap. (yep…I went there :P).  Those types of claims are not promoting individual results, meaning: it’s not realistic.

Your mental energy (and precious muscle mass) will likely be wasted, trying to force something (that may be unnatural!) to happen within a certain amount of time.  You may see temporary (mostly water) weight loss on the scale, but you will likely land right back at square one (or worse) when it’s all said and done.  And for what? A few days of feeling like you’ve accomplished something because a few magical (and fleeting) numbers flashed on a scale?

No one can guarantee you any amount of weight loss in a certain amount of time.  So when you come across a new plan, that appears to be making such promises, read the fine print.  You’ll typically find that it says “results not typical” or “lose up to X amounts.”  Your dieting results must always include your individual spin; in execution AND results.  One person may start losing weight right away, (newbie dieters tend to lose all the weight quickly) but another (ie. someone who has dieted over-and-over) may take a much longer time.

3 ways to tell if a diet will work for youThe Bottom Line

You have your three red flags (there are more – but let’s roll with these top three), so USE them when you feel motivated to take (diet) action.  Set aside all impulsive thoughts, or lures of the before/afters, and get real with yourself.  If it’s not allowing you to eat the foods that you love,  inflexible (you feel like it has to be all-or-nothing), or it’s guaranteeing you a certain amount of weight loss (there’s no individuality variables)…RUN (don’t walk) away.

The diet that allows you to be consistent is always the diet that wins, period.  The perfect diet that you do in spurts, is never going to outweigh the imperfect diet that you do consistently.  So find something that you can do consistently, even if it just means that you’re taking baby steps (start with ONE habit, and run that sucker into the ground until it’s second nature).

Temptation is about to hit.  Stay strong.

~Kiki :)

Losing Weight, Looking Fatter: Why each diet makes it worse

Losing Weight, Looking Fatter: Why each diet makes it worse

Between your skin and bones, there’s muscle and fat. If you’re over the age of 20 (yes…20!), and have been consistently inactive, your body will naturally gain fat and lose muscle when not on a lifting and/or healthy (higher protein) eating regimen. This happens as a result of being sedentary, and not engaging muscles. Many of us set the same goal year after year to lose weight.  But as the years go by, we’re noticing that every time weight loss occurs, the end result is a physique that looks different attempt to attempt. You may even think “I’m looking fatter than I did last time I was this weight.” But why?

(Watch the full replay for answers to this and other questions. Broadcast recap below video…) 


WEIGHT Loss Doesn’t Equal FAT Loss

It’s often assumed (*cough* ladies) that there’s no reason to have muscle — if we don’t want to be ripped, or look “manly.” (Really, ladies?…1990 called and wants it theories back).  We think that as long as we’re getting smaller, there’s no point in lifting (read: gaining or preserving muscle mass).  While we may have been able to fool ourselves into believing this at 22, eventually we’re faced with reality: muscle equals metabolism.  Having less of one, means lowering the other.  The more times we diet, the more muscle is lost, and fat is gained.  If the weight loss stints are really quick, we’ve just increased our odds.

The faster weight comes off, the more likely it is that we’re experiencing muscle loss and not just fat loss. The more yo-yoing our body does, the more weight we gain each time. This means we need to lose more weight each time, with more of the loss likely being from muscle mass. We start to notice that we look softer, and all that cardio we used to do, doesn’t “work” anymore.

Time to face the facts: Quick-fix diets will never “work.” The *temporary* WEIGHT LOSS primes you for FAT GAIN

Time to face the facts: Quick-fix diets will never “work.” The *temporary* WEIGHT LOSS primes you for FAT GAIN

Gaining fat isn’t a difficult job.  Our bodies are good at doing so without us even trying. (I doubt I just blew your mind, there, LOL.)  To gain muscle, however, we must put forth a conscious effort. While we may tend to think we have too much fat on our frames, the problem instead may be we just don’t have enough muscle.  Having too little muscle is like drilling for water in the desert, it’s gonna take a heck of a lot more effort – which much less rewarding payoff.  Without a sufficient amount of muscle, our “weight loss” goals will never be sustainable for long.  This means that many of us ladies have to get over the fear of weightlifting, and thoughts about how gaining muscle will make us look like a bodybuilder (myth).

Do It Right, or Do It Over

When it comes to fat loss, programs and approaches that may have worked for you in the beginning aren’t necessarily going to work for you in the long run. This is why it’s so important to remember to start small if you’re just getting into the swing of fat loss, healthy eating and resistance training.  There are many levels involved to getting to that peak level.  Trying to go straight to the highest level leaves you with little room for plateau adjustments (no trump card to pull!), and typically doesn’t provide enough time to develop habits that stick.  So take the time to do it right, instead of constantly doing it over.  Always have another trick up your sleeve.  Pick one thing and nail it before you move onto something else. For example: incorporate more protein (from 90 grams to 120 grams, then 120 grams to 150 grams, etc) in your diet until you master it.

*Side note: Metabolism resets are key if you’re a yo-yo dieter or have been on a low-calorie diet for an extended period of time. It’s easy to get caught up in the scale weight, but the key is to think about the long term. Too much cardio and too little food will absolutely lead to muscle loss. Real progress takes time and requires a realistic perspective. If you/your clients want to get results, they’ve got to start weight lifting. Being skinny doesn’t equal results. Being strong and healthy does.

Cross section of thigh muscle, notice what happens to muscle/fat ratio over the years? Plan of attack must change with age. Preserving/building muscle is essential.

Cross section of thigh muscle, notice what happens to muscle/fat ratio over the years? Plan of attack must change with age. Preserving/building muscle is essential.

Arm Yourself for Sustainable Success

Ask somebody what their ideal end goal physique is and you’ll often hear “I just want to be skinny and not look like a bodybuilder.” By arming yourself with the proper information and knowledge, you can create a program that combines strength training and a proper diet (i.e. adequate protein intake).  Constantly working on those areas (knowledge, lifting, diet) will change your entire perspective on the body transformation process. Gathering information, like taking your own diet history into consideration, can be a very helpful in discovering if you are actually dealing with a muscle deficit. Using this information, you can learn how to train and eat for muscle. Eating around a maintenance level of calories (also known as TDEE) can often prove to be the best approach.

If weight loss were easy, everybody would be running around looking like fitness models. The reality of it is that there’s a science and method behind the madness. In order to create healthy, sustainable weight loss, you’ve got to target the fat mass and preserve/add to the muscle mass.



How Stress is Destroying Your Goals

How Stress is Destroying Your Goals

“Remove this.”  “Add that.”  “Do only this.”  “Never do that.”

In our constant pursuit of the perfect body, misplaced focus has become the name of the game.  The fitness

industry (that I both love and loathe) is infamous for placing more emphasis than needed on the things that matter the least, and not enough on those that matter most (more on this in my next post: Understanding Best Practices).  One area that stands out lately — when talking with trainers and clients — is brushing off the stress factor, and not truly realizing how big of a deal it is.

(This broadcast goes into more detail on this)

The cost of ignoring the stress factor.

We often hear (and say!) phrases like “I know that I’ve been a little stressed lately…but I should still be seeing some results…”

While nutrition and exercise both play a huge part in fat loss, we tend to overlook stress. The reality check is this: when it comes down to dealing with excess stress, you can’t out-eat or out-exercise it.  And those who attempt to, discover a rude awakening.  What begins as a small issue can quickly lead to a downward spiral. Seemingly insignificant stress can lead to water retention.  Concern over the temporary water retention (“weight gain”) often causes a panic of more restrictive dieting/intense exercise. Worry + diet + exercise = stress overkill.  This increase in stress leads to even greater sodium retention/cortisol release (more weight gain) – insert slippery slope here. It’s very easy to look up from what could have been a weekend relaxation-fix (temporary) and find yourself facing an additional 6-12 months on your fat loss journey (true fat gain).

IMG_3429Do we even recognize stress anymore? 

As we age — and have more on our plate; kids, aging parents, and work — we don’t realize how much stress has piled up.  As women, especially, we tend to feel like we can handle everything that’s thrown at us.  We even take a certain level of pride in it, bragging (aka complaining with no intention of changing/getting help) about how much we have to do every chance we get. One of the sneakiest things about stress is that while we can typically recognize the big stressful events (death, sickness, work projects), there are some stress factors in our life that we don’t even recognize or categorize as such. For example, working out creates stress on the body. While it may feel therapeutic, exercise can actually exacerbate stress levels.

Not being able to recognize stress in it’s various forms often leads to fighting fire with fire, and introduces a host of other issues.

Address the root, not the fruit.

Stress is a master of disguise, and the enemy of the modern woman’s health.  We first give it all the room it needs to work (take root) by disregarding it’s presence.  Once in, it can do all the damage it needs, by keeping us busy attacking “symptoms” (the fruit it bears).

Stress-related symptoms can translate to thyroid issues, weight gain, and overall fatigue. Additionally, your digestive system can react as well (think IBS, food allergies, etc.). Instead of directly addressing the stressors in life, people often try to eliminate foods to try to resolve digestive issues.  Same goes with exercise.  Intense, or long duration exercise puts the body under stress. This is the reason why we will typically lose weight/fat under proper circumstances (the body’s first, natural reaction to stress in a healthy body).  However, when panicked about weight loss (read: stressing over how long its taking), we tend to turn the very modes of exercise that causes the most stress.  If you’re exercising intensely on top of living a stressful life, your body is likely to go into shut-down mode (read: fat gain/retention).

If you’re experiencing any of the following, you may be exhibiting this severe-stress response:

Blood Sugar Swings

Hypothyroid Symptoms

Weight Gain (especially prominent in the belly)


Decreased Immunity



Food Allergies

9707590766_6db09ca5e5_zHow to eat/exercise/supplement/live when over-stressed

During very stressful times, sometimes the best thing to do is to change up the type of exercises you’re doing or to do your normal routine at a lesser frequency. There are types of exercise that will heal you/help you maintain, and those that will cause harm. Stress-friendly exercises include walks (not a power walk, run or jog), gentle yoga (not power yoga) or a leisure bike ride (key word: leisure). Endurance-style weight training and circuit training are not the types of weight lifting you should partake in while stressed. Instead, incorporate heavier-style lifting, which requires longer periods of rest in between (think 5/6-10 reps).

Even simple, everyday things that we don’t think twice about increase our stress levels. For example, if you watch an action-packed movie and are already stressed, your stress levels will actually increase! In place of an action movie, watch something more light-hearted, such as a comedy, or take a bubble bath.  Additionally, make sure to supplement with omegas, magnesium, Vitamin A & D and probiotics.  Make an effort to sleep more (training less if that’s what it takes to find that extra hour!) to best respond to stress.

As mentioned above, intense exercise/dieting during stressful times will actually lead to increased stress, which leads to more weight gain. Don’t compound the problem.  If you’re experiencing weight gain, don’t try to diet. Cut back on steady state cardio, and do more leisure/slower-paced types of cardio (walking, yoga).  An occasional HIIT session or two can sub for your cardio until you are in a less stressful state. (One exception to this is if you are facing extreme adrenal fatigue symptoms, in this case, even HIIT may be too much in the early healing stage).


Try to simply savor the moment from time to time. Don’t wait for the weekend. Have a midday ritual: sneak a nap. Or…take a tea, coffee (or breathing!) break – no screens allowed!

Now keep in mind, not exercising at all isn’t what we’re recommending here.  The point is to train yourself throughout the day to have downtime (nap, walk, daydream, meditate, no-screen-time, etc.) so that your workouts are helping you rather than hurting you.  Regular exercise has been proven to help with stress management. In a healthy body, exercise is intended to be “good stressor.”  The key is understanding what helps and what harms in an overly-stressed, or metabolically damaged scenario.

Weight fluctuations during stressful times are bound to happen, but the key is not letting these fluctuations create more stress. If you’re someone who likes to weigh, you can continue to do so, but take the number on the scale with a grain of salt.  The key to mastering life, and fitness, is balance. If you can find a way to manage stress levels, and balance your responsibilities with staying active, you’ll have a much better chance of keeping your weight under control and your happiness high.

On that note, I need to take a break from this screen, and go spend some quiet time with my foam roller.


Have a great week, Fam!

~Kiki :)


PS. Got questions? I’m on Periscope M-F, to answer your FAQs. So make sure you’re following @EM2WL to get notifications the second I start the next broadcast!



Photo cred: Flickr

Falling off the wagon? Why you can’t stick to ANY diet.

Falling off the wagon? Why you can’t stick to ANY diet.

We know by now that the style of eating that we can stick to for the long haul, is the one that we can count on for results.  But what happens when you just can’t stick to ANY diet or style of eating long enough for those results to show?

The thing about habits

The reason progress seems to elude most of us is because we won’t create the habits needed to sustain them. If habits don’t change, neither will your results (in the long term).  Habits are the key to lasting change. Just think about it, why is it so hard to stick to a New Year resolution, organizing system, diet/exercise plan, or even weekly date nights? Even the very things that we know would bring more joy and peace to our lives are just plain hard to stick to.


Well as you well know, when the little gem called “life” kicks in, everything goes out of the window.  And what do you fall back on when life happens? Your old habits. The only way to cancel out the old habits that aren’t getting you anywhere is to create new ones that crowd/balance them out.  Though most of us know and agree with this deep down, we still spend a heck of a lot of time trying to find the diet or exercise plan that will solve all of our problems.  But diving into a full blown “plan” with 105 different rules to remember is going to be impossible to keep up long term, because you’re changing too many things at once.  The minute you’re not following the plan perfectly, you fall off, lose hope, and feel like you have start all over again.

The thing about complication

Sometimes having lots of rules make us feel safe.  We feel like the more complicated the plan, the more real and official it is. Simplicity scares us.  We think “that’s all? must be more to it than that?!”

Against popular demand, EM2WL prefers a real-world, no-nonsense approach to fat loss.  We have no desire to get you all hung up on the little tweaks that are unnecessary for most, and not required until the vanity pounds stage (read: four pack, yet desiring six) for others.  We make it a point to only emphasize to you the aspects of the journey that are most important for lifelong success.  Take those basics, put your own spin on it, and proceed to enjoying your life without complication.

This technique is known in the industry as “best practices” – and it’s the backbone of any successful endeavor.  Attempting to take what someone else does, and imitating it exactly is a setup for failure because it misses a crucial element: you.

The thing about perfection

IMG_2047A perfect plan that you can’t keep up long term, will never trump the slightly flawed one that allows you to be consistent.  Any style of eating that allows you to remain consistent in the basics, without feeling like a failure for “cheating” is essential to long term progress.  This means that it will take a little bit of work on your end to make sure that the way you choose to eat/workout for fat loss has YOU written all over it. One of the first questions I ask ANY new client is:

“What aspects of your current lifestyle MUST be included in your journey to make it realistic and sustainable for YOU? (food/type of exercise/habits, etc)”

I encourage you to ask yourself this very question as you scour the net for the be-all-end-all of diet plans. (Hint: there isn’t one…until you create it). No matter how promising something seems to be — or how many people are raving about it — if you can’t see elements of you in it, some tweaking may be required.  If it requires a perfect adherence to the rules, with zero leeway for the things you love, don’t be tempted to try to force it to work for you.


Have a great week, Fam!



PS. If you’re needing help establishing essential habits, and conquering the basics on YOUR terms, try our 7-day protein challenge.

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