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What is EM2WL?

Eating More 2 Weigh Less is about eating at a small caloric deficit to lose weight.  We highly recommend lifting heavy weights with cardio training such as HIIT to increase fat burning (although it is not “required”).  If you have been a low calorie dieter for an extended period of time, you may want to consider doing a full metabolism reset.  This will allow the body to reset back to its normal metabolic set point, so a small deficit will once again start the weight loss process once the reset is complete.

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I have my TDEE and my BMR, now what?

If you’ve decided to eat a cut value then you would subtract no more than 15% from your TDEE. Let’s say your TDEE is 2300 then you subtract 15% so that you now have your cut value of 1955. Let’s say your BMR is 1500. So, again remember the TDEE takes into account your exercise so you shouldn’t have to eat back any extra calories UNLESS (as in this example 1955-1500= 455) you burn over 455 calories. If you burn lets say 655 calories then you would need 200 extra calories on top of the 1955 to net your BMR.   Here is a video that you should watch that may answer questions you may still have right now

If you have decided to do a full Metabolism Reset, then you would eat your TDEE value daily. You would still be sure not to NET below your BMR on any workout day.

How do you transition to maintenance mode?

Calculate your current TDEE based on the correct activity level and eat those calories. If you find that you are still losing, increase your calories by 100 and wait for 4 weeks. Continue that process until you start trending up consistently during the 4 weeks, then just cut back to that previous amount. Also, keep in mind if your activity level changes you will need to recalculate your TDEE.

Why should my macros be 40/30/30? I am having a hard time hitting my protein goals.

From research we have found that combination of macro-nutrients is a great starting point, to allow enough carbohydrates for the energy needed for workouts, to meet protein goals of approximately one gram per pound of body weight and the essential fats needed as well for optimal health. Key to reaching protein goals is to pre-plan your meals focusing on getting your protein in. When you focus on protein the rest falls into place. Of course, different people will do best with different goals, so we only present 40/30/30 as a starting point, but it needs to be tweaked for different conditions (i.e. diabetic, intolerances, various types of athletes, etc.)

I am not sure what my activity level is?

Take into account how much time you spend working out. Use the number of hours to select your activity level.  Most people tend to underestimate, rather than over.  When in doubt, go UP.

Can EM2WL work for those with a lot of weight to lose?

EM2WL is for everyone, because it’s based on each individual’s personal stats.  No two people will have the same TDEE.  There are many successful people who have lost 50lbs or more, so it doesn’t matter how much weight you have to lose.  Starting your journey with higher cals, when you are heavier, gives you much more wiggle room when plateaus come (which are almost guaranteed with longer journeys).  If you go straight to the minimum cals,  you have nowhere to go when you hit a plateau.  In addition, the less you weigh, the less your TDEE is, so if you’re eating according to your personal numbers, then your calorie levels required will drop naturally every five pounds or so.  No need to take them down before that time.

Do I have to lift weights?

You don’t have to lift, it’s just a bonus to help you have the look you want WHEN you get to goal, vs attempting to do it the other way around (losing all the weight, then trying to get “ripped”).  You can lose weight by simply changing the way that you eat, and when it comes to “activity level” all activity counts.  However,  we will always highly recommend lifting weights.  In addition to the many health benefits, lifting will help you reshape your body, rather than just becoming a smaller version of your current self.

What is a “metabolism reset” and what does it consist of?

In it’s simplest form, a reset is simply eating at maintenance.  This is usually for a minimum of 12 weeks, or until your metabolism “resets” (stabilizes) –meaning you are back to what you should be eating for maintenance and actually maintaining.  Then drop back into deficit.  The longer one has eaten in a severe deficit, the more metabolic damage that has been done, thus the longer the reset typically needs to be (meaning, a reset can require 6+ months for a “professional dieter”).

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