
Happy Browsng!

The Bright Side of Fad Diets

The Bright Side of Fad Diets

Fad diets —  ever-changing eating crazes that promise everything from rapid weight loss to boundless energy — often come under fire for their unsustainable nature and potential health risks (basically 99.999999% of posts on this site!). But what if there's more to...

Is it better to do cardio before or after lifting weights?

Is it better to do cardio before or after lifting weights?

When it comes to blending cardio with resistance training, when you do it matters. Let's break it down into simple steps so you can understand how the timing of your cardio impacts your results. Option 1: Cardio on Rest Days Easy enough, right? Pick the days when...

Is It a Plateau or More? Signs Your Body is Begging for a Diet Break

Is It a Plateau or More? Signs Your Body is Begging for a Diet Break

When was your last diet break? If you're a woman over 40, looking to lose weight ...again ...chances are, you're no stranger to "the plateau."  For most, when fat loss stalls, they instinctively want to lower calories EVEN further - which may potentially do more harm...

Why Weight Loss Gets Harder with Age

Why Weight Loss Gets Harder with Age

The more a woman ages, it's less likely that there's just "one" thing that will make everything magically fall into place when it comes to losing fat. Each decade (and the decisions made during it) adds it's own unique piece to the fat loss puzzle. It's important to...

No-Nonsense Fat Loss: Simplify Your Weight Loss Journey

No-Nonsense Fat Loss: Simplify Your Weight Loss Journey

Simplify Your Weight Loss Journey If you listen to the media, fat loss can sound pretty complicated.  High carb, low carb, nutrient timing, intermittent fasting, carb cycling, ketogenic diets, carb backloading, juicing, green smoothies, magical supplements... It can...

How Much Cardio is “Too Much?”

How Much Cardio is “Too Much?”

HOW MUCH CARDIO IS TOO MUCH? Contrary to my personal anti-treadmill stance, cardio can absolutely play a role in fat loss. But just like everything else in life, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Although our motto here at EM2WL is "cardio for fun,...

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