Guest Post from Nicole

fitness goalsRecently I went on a girl’s overnight backpacking trip in the mountains.  Well, my weekend did not go as planned…but it was a reminder of how much EM2WL has improved how I think about weight, fitness and my fitness goals.

I went hiking with two friends. My specific goal focused training this summer paid off in spades…

I was able to do the hike with ease.  I was even running hills and jumping logs with my 35lb pack on all through it. I had a little DOMS in my calves the next morning but that’s about it. My other friends had a little more trouble. One of them hadn’t trained or exercised as much as she usually does and found that her quads, glutes, and hip flexors were pretty sore and she had to push through the hills (but she’s still in pretty good shape and was doing just fine). However, my skinny friend who doesn’t exercise regularly and thinks cutting out carbs is a good way to drop weight, started having trouble within the first km of easy hiking.  fitness goalsHer toes cramped, she was winded, needed breaks on any little hill. When we got to a bigger hill, she could only go about 10-15 steps before doubling over on her pole to rest.  By the time we got to 10km we were moving at a pace of 0.2km per half hour because she had to stop so often and couldn’t move fast (she was completely exhausted).   And this was on a long, rather flat section.

Needless to say, we did not get to our destination. We stopped and camped for the night, got her back down the mountain.  The next day, we settled her into a campsite and my other friend and I went on a 12+ km day hike along a rocky river bed/canyon.  All together I hiked 32+ km up and down the mountains in 2 days with my fitter friend.  I am the most overweight person of my 2 friends.  I am about 25lbs OVER my goal weight since doing my reset, but I trained and ate for what I wanted to do, not to lose ‘x’ amount of lbs and it paid off…plus, the weight/fat is still dropping slowly (12lbs lost over the summer training).

Pick  fitness goals, not a weight goal…If you chose a weight goal as your focus, you might not reach a fitness goal, but if you pick a fitness goal as your focus, the weight just kinda falls off too!!fitness goals

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