Q & A – Zig Zagging Calories

Q & A – Zig Zagging Calories

Q:  I’m confused.  Some people who are EM2WL say they zig zag their cals, but yet they tell newbies to eat the same thing everyday.  I think one of your videos even says not to zig zag cals.  Which one is it? Is zig zagging calories bad somehow?


zig zagging calories

Is it high carb day yet???

A:  You’re right, we have published a few articles and vids that caution people to hold off on zig zagging calories straight out of the gate (first few weeks).  EM2WL gets a lot of newbies who are recovering from an Eating Disorder (ED) or ED-like mentality, as well those who are not fully convinced of the process.  So we will often recommend to those who are new and coming from extreme deficits that zig zagging calories can send their body mixed messages. (Much of EM2WL research is rooted in ED recovery — including severe caloric restriction — as well as metabolic damage).

This isn’t so much that the zig zagging itself is an issue (zig zagging that centers around TDEE is a good thing).  The issue is that when people who have not fully grasped the EM2WL philosophy decide to “zig zag,” they tend to do so drastically (i.e. 3000 one day, 1100 the next, unlike your more sensible zig zagging). Because of this, their body will view it as binges, and then holds on to the extra from the high days.  Many will use the “zig zag” concept as an excuse to be only “half-in” — they will eat more a few days per week, randomly, but still net below BMR on other days.  Then they bloat, retain water, feel sick, or gain weight, and blame EM2WL.  Their body never fully grasps/trusts that they are going to feed it properly (or regularly) and reacts accordingly.

Because of this, they don’t trust that eating more will “work” for them, and they run back to low cals.

Eating as close as possible to their new calorie goal (with enough carbs, and far enough above BMR), for the first few months, will help many people to avoid this scenario.  Choosing to stay consistent in the beginning helps:

  • newbies accept the mindset of eating more
  • ultra restrictive dieters to get used to netting above BMR
  • those who need more time, room to slowly get cals/carbs up to a reasonable level (rather than jumping 1000 cals up, bloating like crazy, getting scared and quitting)
  • under-nourished bodies to adapt and accept that their caregiver will eat enough,and be willing to let go of the extra that it’s been hoarding due to fear of starvation.

When a person incorporates zig zagging calories or other methods later in the journey, they will likely still eat enough overall cals, and their body will have no prob with the higher/lower cal days, because they are still within reasonable range.

zig zagging calories

What?!  You’ve never had an “eat-all-the-food” day?

Make sense?  I know that zig zagging is a big key for many veterans in the EM2WL fam, so we don’t want to minimize, shun, or call it “bad.”  However, when we are dealing with such a wide variety of people, we try to suggest the safest method possible for everyone.   The lack of consistency in eating the right amount (and types) of cals is what actually hurts many in the beginning if they aren’t smart about it.  But, once most people get used to eating enough, vets find that they naturally zig zag anyway:

  • they have  have learned to listen to their body – and understand that some days will simply be “eat-all-the-food*” days – so they just take a TDEE day (highly recommended)
  • many find that they are hungrier on workout days (especially lifting!) & they eat back exercise cals or increase carbs to re/pre-fuel
  • many don’t log their workouts, so depending on the burn, their net cals are different each day, and they purposely eat according to the level of activity that day
  • many move toward a lifestyle of no longer logging their food (which is the ultimate goal), and follow their innate hunger cues (once they can be trusted again)
  • they feel NO guilt for doing so, because they understand that eating for fuel must coincide with life, and that restriction when ravaged with hunger only leads to a binge later

Basically to keep the process as simple as possible, we just say eat the same thing every day until you and your body have adapted to the fact that you will be eating more from now on.  Once firmly rooted, adjust to your lifestyle.  When coaching so many people, keeping it basic/simple helps a TON, because everyone’s lifestyle is so different.  Some prefer zig zag, but others despise it because eating exactly the same works best for their schedule.

It’s all about making it work for you.

*”Eat-all-the-food” days are exactly as they sound: days where you feel like you could eat the house.  It’s best not to fight your body on these days and force a cut.  Restriction typically begets  binges.  Give yourself a full TDEE day, and allow yourself to eat up to, and even over TDEE.  You will likely find that you not only prevent yourself from a major binge later, but that by simply giving yourself permission to eat,  you may not be as hungry as you thought.  And hey, if you truly are that hungry, at least your body knows that it can trust you to listen.

Dealing with obstacles and setbacks (a story of adrenal fatigue)

Dealing with obstacles and setbacks (a story of adrenal fatigue)


adrenal fatigue

Before the drama began – loving life

Well this has been a long time coming.  I’ve been meaning to sit down and put all of what’s been happening with me for the last year, since my transformation story, on paper.  So much has transpired I’m trying to decide exactly where I should begin.

Ok, I’ll start from July of last year, I went to Jamaica to celebrate my bff’s 40th and had an absolute blast!  I was at the tail end of my metabolic reset, in which, I had only gained four pounds.  I totally enjoyed all the fine delicacies and didn’t count a thing.  I was on vacation, loving every minute of it and I vowed I would never ever ever diet on vacation again.  I know I ate a surplus some days, the food was amazing and I was determined to try everything.  I got back and had gained all of ZERO pounds.  WHAT????  So back to Cathe STS Meso 3 and over the rest of the summer I was lifting heavy and eating at cut.

adrenal fatigue

Nov. 2012 – Back to post baby weight & devastated

I noticed the end of September, my weight started creeping up slowly.  Since I was lifting heavy and eating right, I tried not to become concerned.  Well, my son transitioned to wearing a pump to manage his diabetes, and I didn’t have one full nights sleep for over three weeks.  I had to get up every three hours to check his blood sugar.  You talk about exhausted… 9pm, 12am, 3am, 6am every single night.  By the top of November I had an extra 20lbs and I couldn’t believe how I’d gone from toned and svelte to thick and fatty.  I just knew it had to be my thyroid, and though my numbers looked fine, I decided to switch from synthetic to a natural thyroid replacement pill.  My numbers plummeted and though in cut mode the weight didn’t budge.  I was back to my after baby weight and all the muscles I was so proud of, seemed to disappear into oblivion.  You talk about devastated…

I felt everything people would write me about…frustrated, scared, anxious, and obsessed with that scale.  I couldn’t understand how I went from nicely toned with just a wee bit of fat to shed, to a thick girl with layers of adipose tissue that seemed here stay!  During the next few months the doctor and I worked on getting my thyroid level right.  Though the temptation was there to slash calories drastically, I absolutely refused.  I ate at a small deficit 10-15% and took off an extra 200 to account for the low thyroid.  Lifting and cutting and still nothing moved much.  Well the cutting business, wore on my nerves, so back to TDEE I went.  I figured if I wasn’t losing or gaining at cut or TDEE then why not enjoy my food???

adrenal fatigue

Fat starting to come off – noticing muscle gains (20lbs heavier)

So, I believe it was March or April, I’m still looking for answers since my thyroid numbers were now level.  Goodness, though I’d shed a few pounds, I was stuck at 170lbishhhhhhh.  During my hunt for some type of viable explanation, I found a Sweaty Betties vid, on adrenal fatigue.  Things started to make sense.  Severe stress, lack of sleep, growing older can all contribute to causing adrenal fatigue.  Lord knows I was sleep deprived, and the start of the gain was when I was getting up all through the night….ahhhhh haaaaaaaa!  Light bulb blew up…lol… I mean for weeks no sleep and I was absolutely stressed in general with family issues, plus the strain of my full time job and my 2nd job that I love, EM2WL.  Well, I read and watched more vids and started the supplementation suggested, but, I was still having sleeping issues.  I found that my free T3 was a bit too high so we backed down on the thyroid med a little bit.

Ok, so now I’m sleeping ok, thyroid numbers are good, I’m lifting heavy, I invested in the Body Media Fit (boy did I underestimate my numbers, but that’s for another blog, in time…lol), eating at small cut, starting to see some fat loss but still stuck in my big clothes.  So, I decided to take some pictures and bam, I see some muscular maturity…more dense muscle than when I was at 154lbs. Yes still almost 20lbs heavier but I could see that all the gain wasn’t just lumpy fat, but that there was some nice growth that transpired unbeknownst to me.  I got excited and then the brain starts saying over and over…”now it’s time to shed all the excess fat so you can start wearing some of your smaller stuff…aren’t you sick of wearing the same three jeans?”  Oh my gosh, I then became obsessed about the numbers…YES!!!  Exactly what I type a few times a day to others, NOT to do!

adrenal fatigue

More mature muscle and v-taper development

After whining to the Kikster one day, I realized, I was causing myself unnecessary stress and I said that is it!  No more scale…No more logging… and NEW CLOTHES BABY!  Oh yes, the sausage queen went into retirement.  I hit the outlets and bought nice fitting jeans.  Matter of fact, I went all out and bought tops too, even though my top size didn’t change, hey, I went for the gusto.  Feeling good again because a sausage I was not any longer…lol.  My plan was to weigh in after a month, but now way over a month later, I have no desire to step on the scale.  Listen, during my no scale or logging time..whew, I haven’t been stressed about a single number.  And logging for over a year has taught me how to hit numbers,macros, blah blah.  So no sweat there either.

adrenal fatigue

lost 1/2 inch in waist…I’ll take it

What’s been happening since?  All the jeans I bought are looser…tehehe.  The ones I’m wearing today were a bit snug when I bought it.  I could hear Kiki’s voice saying, ” Now the purpose of your shopping trip is to “desausage”…why are you going to buy those sausage makers?”  LOL.  I know I should have left them right there, but they were on too good of a sale.  Oh so glad to report they fit smashingly today.  Also, the break from all the tracking has allowed me to shift my focus to physical goals.  I’ve always wanted to dead lift and squat my weight.  My lift sessions have gone to another level.  Not worrying about all the tracking keeps me nice and mellow.  I also decided to stop dwelling and focusing on the negatives…I wish I looked like this, look at that lump, why can’t I see a striation here or there yet…blah, blah, and negative blah.  Now, I congratulate myself on new feats tackled and I point out the positive changes I see in my friend, the mirror.

Ok, ok, ok, so I can’t tell you I’ve lost x,y, or z, BUT, I can tell you I’ve lost a half inch off my hips, waist, and thighs.  I can say I surpassed my dead lift goal, met the squat goal, and I’m blowing past other personal records during my lift sessions.  I can also see a nice progression which others have noticed too.  I have also conquered the hardest part of the journey…the mental voyage.  And lastly, I can say I’m enjoying the stress-free non-tracking lifestyle and appreciating every positive thought I now have about me:-)


Summer is here…and you’re not ready (Self Acceptance)

Summer is here…and you’re not ready (Self Acceptance)

self acceptanceAs a trainer this is the absolute toughest time of the year.

Sure, New Year’s Resolutions can be annoying (lots of peeps that have no intentions of doing what it takes longer than the first month), but there’s nothing like that warm Spring/Summer air to bring out the impatience in us all.

I literally gain 5lbs at the start of every warm weather season simply from stressing over the volume of complaints and “I need to lose weight this instant” feelings that come from all across the board.  If this is you, please know that it’s a very common thought right now, so you are not alone.  But, it’s not helping you.  If I could get even 20% of clients to realize that the stress they are causing themselves (and me!) is LITERALLY compounding the problem.

It is so painstakingly hard to watch how the warm weather changes people.  The patient suddenly become irate, fluctuations that were easily dismissed during winter layer season becomes inconceivable, magazines/TV/movies show perfect/airbrushed/starved/surgically modified/beautiful people frolicking in the sun.  Even “plus-sized” models are like size 10 with super flat abs (riiiggghht…really?!), leaving all but a whopping 10% of us being content in the body that we are presented with.  Then we spend the entire summer wishing we were something other than we are, until all of the true “fun in the sun” has come and gone, with us on the sidelines feeling sorry for ourselves.

I often wish that I could take an extended vacation…to rip out the mags/books/movies/scales/too small clothes, etc. from the homes of EVERY woman, and take her shopping for something that does fit and flatter her NOW.   Then, I’d drop her off at the nearest PACKED beach to take a good, long, look at the 90% of people there who also aren’t happy with the way that they look.

REAL people have rolls, stretch marks, blotchy skin, etc.. and don’t look like people in magazines.  Heck…the people in magazines don’t even look like that!  LOL.  And the ones that do look good enough to grace magazine covers (temporarily – for a 2 hour photo shoot), put in excessive amounts of time, realize that the look is temporary, and that the picture will be altered once taken.

self acceptance

Because of my field, it’s so hard for me to read a magazine or watch a movie/commercial without reading deeper into how it might be making women feel about themselves.  I look and see the reality of it, but it bugs me knowing that most women won’t.  Those magazines amplify/exacerbate the feelings of body discontentment that  is so common with our society.  Granted, we will all be faced with the temptation to feel dissatisfied, and possibly even the need to justify it — “Well it’s different for me because…” — but the point is that it’s not different.  There is a fine line between wanting to improve, and deeming ourselves unworthy of life because that change won’t come instantly.  Putting our lives on hold, and dwelling on it really doesn’t change it.

And literally makes it worse.

It’s not that having physique goals or wanting to improve ourselves is wrong, but the drastic decisions that we might make in haste because of the urgent feeling, is what we have to be careful to avoid.  We already know the devastating effects of attempting quick fixes, yet when a big event rolls around, we may allow our rational to become compromised.  Hastily made decisions (for summer, wedding, vacation, etc) can cost us months of hard work, or cause us to keep changing things every 5 minutes out of insecurity/doubt/urgency to see results, while actually running in place (net effect = zero results).

Big events and special seasons are tough bumps in the road on this journey, but we must stay the course and work towards self acceptance.

Summer…only the strong survive.

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Heavy-Light Workout Plan

workoutTorn between whether to lift heavy to build true, dense, muscle — or lighter weights for the temporary “pump” that it provides?  You can have them both in this challenging workout.

The Plan:  A 4-day, workout split featuring a variation of push/pull with one heavy and one light day for each body part.  The heavy days will truly challenge your muscles for growth (hypertrophy), while the lighter days will pull the much needed glycogen into the muscle (providing the “pump”).  All sessions will work together spark your metabolism with maximum muscle recruitment.  This workout uses dumbbells (or kettlebells) only, making it perfect for those with limited equipment.  Working with dumbbells will allow for greater range of motion (deeper stretch and stronger contraction), recruit more stabilizer muscles (especially the core), as well as balance strength, muscular development and overall body symmetry.  It is appropriate for reset, cut, or maintenance.  

Weights:   Begin with a 5-10 minute warmup on a cardio machine, and 1-2 warmup sets of each exercise (using lighter weight).  Then proceed to select a weight that presents a slight struggle for the last few reps.  Keep track of your weight selection, and increase weight whenever possible.  If you can do 2-3 more reps than specified with your chosen weight, your weight is too light, and it is time to increase.  You must push yourself for maximum results, even on “light” days (although you won’t be completely fatigued) every set should be challenging.  Do not perform any “push” (or “pull”) days back to back, due to the nature of the exercises targeting similar muscles.  End with 5-10 minutes of stretching, while the muscle is still warm to prevent injury.

Cardio: 2 days of optional cardio included in the plan.  If performing cardio and weights on the same day, opt to do weights first (this doesn’t include the warm-up done before weights).  If including more than 2 cardio days, choose to lower intensity every other session to reduce leg swelling.  Be mindful, though, that the amount of cardio that you intend on doing is figured into your food allowance.

Food:  For best results, eat at TDEE (maintenance) or cut.  This is to provide sufficient energy for lifts, yet also maximize fat loss.  The EM2WL weight loss calculator  (set goal at “lose fat, -15%”) will give you an idea of your best calorie range for losing body-fat, with minimal muscle loss.  Attempt to eat 1-1.2g of protein per lb of lean body mass, or 30-35% of your calorie intake, and sufficient carbs (around 40-45% of your total intake), mostly surrounding your workouts. (If diabetic, insulin sensitive, etc., eat carbs as per doctor/nutritionist orders).

**Follow plan for 4-6 weeks**

Day 1 – Push (Heavy)

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise before moving to the next.  Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.




Neutral Incline Dumbbell Press   12,10,8,8 4
Dumbbell Bench Press   10,8,8 3
Bent Arm Dumbbell Pullover
  10 3
One Arm Dumbbell Press (palm in)   10,8,8 3
One Arm Side Lateral Raise
  10 3
Seated Rear Delt Raise
  10 3
Bench dips
  8 3
One Arm Tricep Extension   10 3
Exercise Ball Pull-in 15 3
Reverse Crunch 15 3


Day 2 – Pull (Heavy)

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise before moving to the next.  Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.




Dumbbell Squat 12, 10, 8, 8 4
Dumbbell Lunge
10 3
Stiff-legged Deadlift
10, 8, 8 3
One Legged Calf Raise  15 3
One Arm Dumbbell Row
10, 8, 8 3
Double Arm Row (palms face body)
8 3
Incline Curl (Alternating) 10, 8, 8 3
Hammer Curl 
10 3


~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


Day 3 – Push (light)

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise before moving to the next.  Rest 30 seconds between sets.




One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press  15, 12, 12, 15 4
Incline dumbbell Flyes
12, 12, 15 3
15 3
Front Incline Dumbbell Raise
12, 12, 15 3
Arnold Press
15 3
Iron cross
12 3
Tricep Kickbacks
12 3
One Arm Tricep extension (standing) 15 3
Weighted Oblique Twist 20 3
Jackknife Sit-ups 15 3


Day 4 – Pull (light)

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise before moving to the next.  Rest 30 seconds between sets.




Dumbbell Plie Squat 15, 12, 12, 15 4
Dumbbell Split Squat
12, 12, 15 3
One-legged Deadlift
12 3
Walking Lunges
20 3
Alternating Renegade Row
12, 12, 15 (per side) 3
Double Arm Row (palms face rear)
15 3
Reverse Dumbbell Curl
12, 12, 15 3
Cross-Body Hammer Curl 
15 3


~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


More of a visual person? Check out the “at-a-glance” options, by clicking on the desired day.



Guns and Ammo Workout Plan – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Guns and Ammo Workout Plan – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

workout planThe Workout Plan:  A 3-day drop set extravaganza, using a Upper/Lower body split approach.

This workout plan features added arm, glute, and hamstring focus to help dial in these areas for the approaching tank top and shorts season.  This workout plan is for those that are cutting, maintaining, or seeking body recomposition.  If you are newer to training, start with only 2 sets of each exercise and take longer rests as needed. 

Weights:   Begin every weight session with a 5-10 minute dynamic warmup and 1-2 warmup sets (using lighter weight).  Then proceed to select a weight that presents a struggle for the last few reps.  The final set of every exercise is a drop set – do the required amount of reps with heaviest weight, then immediately reduce the weight by 50% and go to failure.  If the move is non-weighted  take the last set to failure immediately. Remember to log your weight selection, being sure to increase weight whenever possible. Because the rep range varies within certain exercises, the weight amount should not stay the same for every set.  Adjust your poundage accordingly (heavier when reps decrease).  If you can do 2-3 more reps than specified with your chosen weight, your weight is too light, and it is time to increase. You must push yourself for maximum results, every set should be challenging. There must be at least 48 hours in between repeating a specific day. Do not perform any days back to back, due to the nature of the exercises targeting similar muscles. End with 5-10 minutes of stretching, while the muscle is still warm to prevent injury.

Cardio: 2 days of optional cardio included in the plan.  To maximize fat loss, choose the cardio options.  They can be done on different days,  if preferred.  If pressed for more than 3 days of gym time, do cardio on upper body days.  When performing cardio and weights on the same day, opt to do weights first (this doesn’t include the warm-up done before weights). If including more than 2 cardio days, choose to lower intensity every other session to reduce leg swelling. Be mindful, though, that the amount of cardio that you intend on doing is figured into your food allowance.

Food:  For best results, eat at TDEE (maintenance) or cut.  This is to provide sufficient energy for lifts, yet also maximize fat loss.  The EM2WL weight loss calculator (set goal at “lose fat, -15%”) will give you an idea of your best calorie range for losing body-fat, with minimal muscle loss.  Attempt to eat 1-1.2g of protein per lb of lean body mass, or 30-35% of your calorie intake, and sufficient carbs (around 40-45% of your total intake), mostly surrounding your workouts. (If diabetic, insulin sensitive, etc., eat carbs as per doctor/nutritionist orders).

**Follow plan for 4-6 weeks**

Day 1: Upper Body

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise (performing last set as a drop set) before moving to the next.  Rest 45-60 seconds between set.




Chest & Back
One-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press
12,10,8 3
Straight Arm Dumbbell Pullovers
12,10,8 3
Pushups, one hand elevated
6-10 / side 3
12,10,8 3
Bent-Over One Arm T-Bar Row
12,10,8 3
Straight Arm Lat pulldown
15,12,12 3
   Core Superset
Bicycle crunch
20 3
Oblique twist (w/weight)
20 3


~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


Day 2: Lower Body

Done straight set fashion.  Finish all sets for that exercise (performing last set as a drop set) before moving to the next.  Rest 60 seconds between set.




Smith Machine Squat (feet 15in in front of bar)* 20,15,12,12 4
Plie Dumbbell Squat (Wide Stance)
15,12,12 3
Walking Lunge
30 steps 3
Glute-Ham Raise
15 3
Stiff Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
15,12,10,8 4
Ball Leg Curl
12 3
Seated Calf Raises
20 3

*alternatively, you can opt to use the leg press, placing feet high on the platform – or wall squat for home exercisers.

~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


Day 3: Arms

Groups = Move through each exercise in the group, in order, w/30-45 second rest between exercises. Return to the first exercise, and repeat for each set until all sets in that group is complete (performing last set as a drop set). Then begin the same process for the next group.  Group #3 is done as a superset (back to back w/no rest).




   Group #1
Seated Military Press 10,8,6,8 4
EZ Bar Curl
15,12,10,10 4
Diamond (close-grip) Pushup
15,12,10,10 4
   Group #2
One Arm Incline Lateral Raise
10,8,6,8 3
Alternating Hammer Curl
12,10,10 3
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions
12,10,10 3
 Group #3
Bent-over Lateral Raise
10,8,6,8 4
Bench Knee-ins 15 4



More of a visual person? Check out the “at-a-glance” options, by clicking on the desired day.

Total Body Supersets

This month, we’re taking a break from the body-part split, and featuring a full body Supersets plan for those with busier schedules as spring approaches.

supersetsThe Plan: A 3-day workout split, featuring a total body, superset approach.  The approach to the exercises will change daily for variety, but the theme remains Supersets for greater metabolic response and to encourage fat burning.  This plan is for those that are cutting, maintaining,  or simply looking to break out of a rut.  If you are newer to training, start with only 2 sets of each exercise and take longer rests as needed. 

Weights: Begin every weight session with a 5-10 minute dynamic warmup and 1-2 warmup sets (using lighter weight). Select a weight that presents a struggle for the last few reps. Remember to log your weight selection, being sure to increase weight whenever possible. If you can do 2-3 more reps than specified with your chosen weight, your weight is too light, and it is time to increase. You must push yourself for maximum results, every set should be challenging. There must be at least 48 hours in between repeating a specific day. Do not perform any days back to back, due to the nature of the exercises targeting similar muscles. End with 5-10 minutes of stretching, while the muscle is still warm to prevent injury.

Cardio: 2 days of optional cardio included in the plan.  To maximize fat loss, choose the cardio options.  They can be done on different days, if preferred. When performing cardio and weights on the same day, opt to do weights first (this doesn’t include the warm-up done before weights). If including more than 2 cardio days, choose to lower intensity every other session to reduce leg swelling. Be mindful, though, that the amount of cardio that you intend on doing is figured into your food allowance.

Food:  For best results, eat at TDEE (maintenance) or cut. This is to provide sufficient energy for lifts, yet also maximize fat loss. The EM2WL weight loss calculator (set goal at “lose fat, -15%”) will give you an idea of your best calorie range for losing body-fat, with minimal muscle loss. Attempt to eat 1-1.2g of protein per lb of lean body mass, or 30-35% of your calorie intake, and sufficient carbs (around 40-45% of your total intake), mostly surrounding your workouts. (If diabetic, insulin sensitive, etc., eat carbs as per doctor/nutritionist orders).

**Follow plan for 4-6 weeks**

Day 1: Supersets (upper/lower)

Each set of exercises done back to back, with no rest.  Rest 30-60 seconds after the second exercise in each set. Then repeat.  Rest up to 2 minutes between each superset.




   Superset #1
12 3
Shoulder press
12 3
   Superset #2
12 3
12 3
   Superset #3
Walking Lunges
12 3
Tricep Dips
12 3
   Superset #4
Standing Calf Raises
fail 3
Bicep Curls
12 3
   Superset #5
Decline Pushups
20 3
Stability Ball Crunch fail 3


~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


Day 2: Tri-sets

Opposing muscle group tri-sets = Move through each exercise in the group, in order. Rest 60 seconds. Then repeat until all 3 tri-sets for that group is complete. Then begin the same process for the next group. Rest 60-90 seconds between each tri-set.




   Tri-sets #1
Dumbbell Row
8 3
Overhead Extension
8 3
8 3
   Tri-sets #2
Incline Press
8 3
Incline Curl 8 3
Split squat 8 3
   Tri-sets #3
Lateral Raise 8 3
Tricep Kickbacks
8 3
Calf Raise
fail 3
Hanging Knee Raise 20  3
Hip Raise  20  3


~Rest/Yoga/Cardio (opt.)~


Day 3: Compound Supersets

Each set of exercises done back to back, with no rest.  Rest 60 seconds after the second exercise in each set. Then repeat.  Rest up to 2 minutes between each compound set.




   Compound superset #1
Pull-up max 3
Close -Grip Lat Pulldown
10 3
   Compound superset #2
Incline Flye
10 3
Decline Pushups max 3
   Compound superset #3
Smith Squat
12-15 3
Rear Lunge
10/side 3
   Compound superset #3
One-Arm Lateral Raise
10 3
Bicep curls, 21s
21 3

More of a visual person? Check out the “at-a-glance” options, by clicking on the desired day.


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