Follow Kelsey’s journey from the beginning: part 1, and part 2
life changing ***UPDATE – 22 DECEMBER 2012***


Weight = 137 lbs (-7.6 lbs)
Leg = 23 inches (+0.5 inches)
Waist = 30.5 inches (+ 0.5 inches)
Hips = 35 inches (+0.5 inches)
Chest = 32.5 (-1 inch)
Arm = 12.5 (-0.5 inches)


 I have now been on EM2WL since 1 June 2012, so it will be 7 months on 1 January 2013!!  
 The benefits so far:-

  • being able to eat more and not feel guilty
  • putting proper clean foods into my body
  • more energy
  • stronger (both body and mind)
  • a much more confident individual
  • a lot more self worth…I no longer base it on a number!
  • being able to enjoy the precious time I spend with family and friends and not constantly having this little voice in my head telling me “don’t eat that, you’ll get fat”
  • acknowledging that everyone is a different shape and size and accepting that my body is built for strength and independence!
  • being able to run 3 miles – I have one leg shorter than the other as you can see in the picture so that is a task in itself!

life changing I am listing no burdens because I don’t believe that EM2WL is a burden, I think it does have a few hard points about it like feeling bloated etc but I wouldn’t say they equate to burdens. Therefore I think this process is in itself precious and life changing.

My future goals are to run the Race for Life in May/June 2013 and complete the Insanity programme which I am starting on 31 December 2012. I am going to do it 3 times a week and run 3 miles once a week so I should hopefully be finished by 1 June 2013 which is when I will update you with my final results/1st year of EM2WL. I will update you again in March 2013 as to my progress and take some more piccies. 

Love to you all and I hope the New Year brings you all happiness and hope :)

Kels xx


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