Happy Valentine's DayWow!  The NSVs that were submitted, in the comments section and behind the scenes, blew.us.AWAY.  Seriously, we wanted to pick several – you guys were bringing tears to our eyes!  We pray that y’all will continue to look for all the little victories along the way, and not give the scale ultimate dictation over your successes.  When you focus on fueling properly, staying active, and simply LIVING…the rest WILL fall into place.

We would also like to congratulate the winner of the Amazon gift card giveaway:

Cindy Smaltz

All my life have struggled with weight issues.  Going back to high school when I starved my 5’6″ body down to 90 lbs because my stepfather told me I was looking chubby at 135 lbs.  My mom constantly struggled with her weight always resorting to severe calorie restriction to get the results she wanted.  

So, as I got older, had my own children (two daughters and a son), I knew that I did not want to pass on to my daughter’s the warped body image and relationship with food.  I just didn’t know that a normal relationship was possible.  You turn on the TV look in magazines and they are all telling us that there is some pill, program or trick to get the weight off.  

Last March I started on MFP and followed what their recommendations were.  The first few months I lost but then come summer time my weight-loss slowed.  This is even with cutting my cals every time I lost 10 lbs like MFP suggests to do.  I was getting frustrated because I was hungry all the time, losing energy, workouts were getting harder because I had no energy.  

By the first of September I had enough.  I upped my cals by over 200 and the weight began to come off again.  My workouts were re-energized.  I started the Supreme 90 program the end of October and was rocking it.  

For the first time I am not afraid of food.  I don’t feel guilty for splurging.  And the best part?  

My NSV.  My three kids and I went to a local state park to hike the trails.  After hiking for about 2 1/2 hours my four year old became tired.  I put him on my back and continued to hike the mile back out of the woods, up and down hills over creek beds and such.  My eight year old daughter turns around and watches me climb a hill and says “Wow, Mom!  You’re really strong.  You’re like Superwoman, or something!”

 That is Victory.


Cindy, you really are setting the example for the next generation, just as you hoped.  Happy Valentine’s Day, Superwoman!  We will be contacting you with the details, and you’ll be shopping in no time!

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