Kickstart: Build – 4 Week Workout plan

workout planWeeks 1 & 2: BUILD

The Plan: A two-phase workout plan for anyone looking to incorporate specific “phases” into their routine, but not quite ready to commit to full bulk/cut cycles. Good for building muscle/fat loss. Would also work well for a person doing a metabolism reset.

How to work it: Alternate days one and two, for a four-day, full body routine. Do the first week as written, “straight-set” style. The second week perform “drop sets” on the third set; immediately dropping the weight after the final set, grabbing a lighter weight (~25%) and going until failure.

Weights: Begin every weight session with a 5-10 minute dynamic warmup and 1-2 warmup sets (using lighter weight). Select a weight that presents a struggle for the last few reps. Remember to log your weight selection, being sure to increase weight whenever possible. If you can do 2-3 more reps than specified with your chosen weight, your weight is too light, and it is time to increase. You must push yourself for maximum results, every set should be challenging. There must be at least 48 hours in between repeating a specific day. Do not perform Day 1 exercises, two days in a row, for instance. End 5-10 minutes of stretching, while the muscle is still warm to prevent injury.

Rest periods: 30-60 seconds (higher reps = shorter rests, low reps = longer rest) for weighted moves, no longer than 30 seconds for core work.

Cardio: Cardio can be performed, as desired on remaining days of the week. During “Build”, 1-2 days/week should be sufficient, not exceeding 30-45 minutes. Start with the minimum amount, only add more if necessary (to reduce muscle soreness, walk the dog, etc). If performing cardio and weights on the same day, opt to do weights first (this doesn’t include the warm-up done before weights).

Food: To truly get the most out of this or any workout plan, the food intake should match the nature of the workouts. During build, eat at TDEE (maintenance) or above, for optimal muscle growth. The EM2WL weight loss calculator (set goal at “build muscle”) will give you an idea of your best calorie range for building muscle. Attempt to eat .8-1g of protein per lb of body-weight (i.e. 150g for 150lb person) or 30% of your calorie intake, and sufficient carbs (around 40-50% of your total intake), especially surrounding your workouts. (If diabetic, insulin sensitive, etc., eat carbs as per doctor/nutritionist orders).

**Want this plan to last longer than 4 weeks? Repeat “Build” for or up to 4 weeks (4 workouts per week), max. Then move on to 2-4 weeks of “Burn“. **

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Core




Barbell Bench Press 6-8 3
Incline Dumbbell Flyes 8-10 3
Rocky Presses 6-8 3
Power Partials 8-10 3
Bench Dips 6-8 3
One-Arm Tricep Extension 6-8 3
Reverse Crunch 15-20 3
Plank hold 30 sec* 3

*Start w/30 seconds and continue to progress up to 3 minutes or as long as possible.

Day 2: Back, Biceps & Legs




Barbell Row
6-8 3
Lat Pull-down
8-10 3
Barbell Squat 6-8 3
Leg Extension
8-10 3
Lying Leg Curl 8-10 3
Barbell curl 6-8 3
Concentration Curl
8-10 3
Calf Raise
10-15 3

More of a visual person? Check out the “at-a-glance” options for Day 1 and Day 2

Completed the first phase? Let’s take it to the next level.  Weeks 3 & 4 – Burn

Kickstart: Visual – “Build” Phase – Day Two

A visual guide to this workout.  Alternate with Day 1, twice per week.

Kickstart: Build Phase – Day 2

Kickstart: Visual – “Build” Phase – Day One – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

A visual guide to this workout.  Alternate with Day 2, twice per week.

Kickstart: Build Phase – Day 1

Celebrating the Milestones ~ The Long Haul update

Celebrating the Milestones ~ The Long Haul update

To follow Nicole’s journey from the beginning: part 1 2 3, 4

Just had to share this update with you all….

refeedFirst, a little note: I am now into my 7th month of EM2WL and my refeed.  It’s been a very bumpy process with multiple NSV’s along the way as you know and I have come to expect that it will be approximately next spring before I will have healed my metabolism completely and be able to start a successful cut process.  Cut so far has only maintained and I’m bouncing around the same few pounds (still incredible considering that I’m eating at least a 1000 more cals a day than I used to) so I’ve decided to do a bulk this winter.  I plan to start at the end of this month along with Cathe Friedrich’s STS program and continue to refeed my body, build muscle and work on my metabolism.  I will do the pyramid (1,2,3,2,1) and will not cut again until Meso 1 at the end…at least that is the plan.  That should put me in cut just before spring with nearly a year of metabolism repair.  (You might be a little overwhelmed by the fact that I seem to need so long to heal – I had to come to terms with it myself after weeks of fighting it – but remember, I came from a severe diet/exercise history…it is going to take time to FULLY repair the damage)

Now, that being said…I wanted to share the most recent victory with you that proves my metabolism is healing because it was such an awesome thing to me.

refeedI just got back from an 8 day vacation in Mexico. Previous vacations have always ended in my gaining at least 5 – 7lbs. No exception…and always while eating very little, exercising like crazy and basically not being able to fully enjoy my vacation the way it was intended. Needless to say, I was freaking out that I would put on more weight and I still hadn’t lost the reset weight and it took some time for me to come to terms with that so that I could enjoy my vacation. But, this year was different.

I weighed myself before I left. Then I went and completely relaxed and enjoyed my vacation. I did not go to the resort gym, or try to swim off cals or walk off cals. I just did what I wanted, rested when I wanted, enjoyed my excursions and relaxed. And I ATE. A LOT. I didn’t watch macros, or worry about how many cals were in those 3 desserts I just ate in one sitting followed by a margarita or two. I didn’t worry about fried foods or breads or sauces or the fact that I just had a hotdog and tortilla chips for a snack…


“I just ate what I wanted…didn’t gain an ounce!”

I just ate what I wanted. I was so incredibly full every day that by the time I got home I couldn’t hardly imagine eating another bite. Of course, I still woke up starving the next morning, but whatever…lol.

Here’s the greatest part. I weighed myself when I got back…and I didn’t gain an ounce. I weigh EXACTLY the same as I did when I left. My body dealt with all those extra cals, regulated my eating naturally enough and my energy that it all balanced out perfectly in the end! This is proof that my metabolism is truly, and wonderfully healing to a natural, healthy state. And that is beyond awesome to me. I may not be losing any weight yet, but I knew going into this process that it would likely take me months of refeeding and building up my metabolism before a cut would work for me (even if I hoped otherwise) and I am thrilled with every milestone I achieve in this journey. For me, this is a big one.

If you are like me, coming from a severe diet/exercise history, take your time and refeed your body. Watch for the milestones. You may need months of healing before you will see success at cut (which sucks-believe me, I know, but it may be necessary)…Just remember to celebrate the NSV milestones along the way because those are just as important and just as awesome.



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Is EM2WL an excuse for gluttony? (battling muscle loss with age)

Is EM2WL an excuse for gluttony? (battling muscle loss with age)

Q: Why do you want be able to eat so much? Why would a woman purposely go through “bulking phases” trying to gain weight for the sake of adding muscle? I mean, you are a woman, why do you want to eat like a man and look like one too? Just sounds like gluttony to me. I’m completely content eating less than my husband, and having less muscle.


muscle lossA: I’m sorry that you see it that way, or that I come across as a muscle-bound “glutton” to you. It’s not just to be gluttonous …OK, maybe a little, lol…but more so because I know how much our metabolism slows with age. Weight goes up, muscle and bone mass decrease, and we have to eat LESS just to accomplish the same results. Everything that I do, is to DEFY that trend. So my aim is build as much muscle, and eat as much food as I can now. Then, when I get to the age where my peers are hardly eating, getting “softer,” and at higher risk for bone/muscle loss – I can still enjoy my life and have enough bone/muscle/brain strength to have as much independence as possible. This is very important to me, as I watch my own grandparents age and lose all independence. I am a very “future” focused person, in case that isn’t obvious.

I just grew up originally thinking (as did my grandparents) that the changes we deal with as we age are inevitable. While some of them may be – and we will never be immortal – studies are proving that much of what we’ve attributed to “the effects of aging” over the years, are simply the effects of being sedentary. I WISH my grandparents only had known that they needed only to eat a bit more, move a bit more, and lift a little weights. Heck, I wish they’d even try a little now. I watched them give up at the first sign of “aging” almost 20yrs ago! My grandpa plopped on the couch in his late 50s and basically said “that’s a wrap, I’m too old.”

Unfortunately, he has stayed there WELL into his 70s.

Grandma has followed his lead and she’s still in her 60s. It makes me so sad. I don’t expect them to be flipping cartwheels or anything, but they’ve incurred more muscle/bone loss since they STOPPED moving/eating, than they had up until that point. I didn’t think they had a choice, but now that I devour studies on aging, I hurt knowing what they don’t. It’s tough to know, yet not be able to say anything out of fear of being disrespectful. But all of the kids/grand-kids talk. They talk to one another about how much it hurts to see Papa just decide that he’s “done” and constantly reference his mortality when we are with him. Its very depressing. I mean, if you still have to be here, why not try to make your life the best it can be?

I’m not afraid to leave this earth, but I don’t want my grand-kids to watch me “give up” on life 20, 30, 50 years before my time.

But, that being said, I do know that a lot of people believe that if they are comfortable with their calorie intake/level of muscle now then why bother? On some level, I get that. Without the long term aspect in mind, it does kinda seem pointless to some people to raise their calories/build muscle if they feel “satisfied” now. My issue with that standpoint is that what satisfies me now, may be too much 10 years from now. So if I’m already eating a miniscule amount, it will need to be decreased even further. The muscle that I have now, if left as is, will be but a fraction of the current amount, when I need it most. So, for me, it all comes down to being safe rather than sorry, and getting those calories and muscle mass to a decent level…now.

muscle loss

MRI cross-section of a male thigh – notice how the muscle/fat ratio changes as the decades pass? Males carry MUCH more muscle than women.

How about you? Do you feel that EM2WL is just an excuse for gluttony? Is it greed to want to eat more, when your body has adapted to a smaller amount of food? Should women leave the “muscle building phases” to the men?

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