I was doing it ALL WRONG! ~Rachael’s “aha!” moment…


Patience pays – after the first 2 months of “trusting the process” w/no changes (right), 4 months later = results! (left)

I had always been skinny and in shape prior to having children.

I never had to watch what I ate, count a calorie, and even worry a bit about my weight. After having my first child, 9 years ago, I gained about 55 lbs, watched what I ate, but not strictly and worked out. I was able to lose the weight and keep it off. Jump ahead 6 years, and I got pregnant with my youngest daughter, who is now 3. Losing the 58 lbs I gained with her had been a nightmare.

I jumped on the Weight Watchers bandwagon, lost some weight, and then onto the 1200 calories plunge. I initially lost weight, but then got totally stuck. I was barely eating anything, working my butt off at the gym, and still nothing was changing. I was tired, unhappy, and just miserable. Then, I stumbled across the Eat More to Weigh Less board and had that AHA moment! I did my own research, talked to trainers, and found out I was doing it ALL WRONG.


Lost some weight, but tightening all over!

I started by eating at my TDEE and resetting my metabolism. Initially I gained a couple pounds as expected and then maintained for 2 months. After that, I began the 20% cal reduction, began Beachbody coaching, and started Turbo Fire w/ Shakeology. In the last 4 months I’ve completed that program and started Les Mills Combat. I workout from home, drink my Shakeology, and have lost 10 lbs. But guess what? I don’t watch the scale! My body, pictures, and clothing tell a different story. It was definitely worth taking the time to listen to my body and treat it right. I am now eating over 1800 calories per day and losing my old body. I’m stronger, happier, healthier, and on top of the world.

EM2WL and Beachbody have changed my life. I became a Coach in order to help others and teach them what I know. It has absolutely changed my life! Let me help you change yours!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/rachael.kosal


Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to Success@EM2WL.com

“…eating more saved ME!” – Behind the metabolism reset curtain..

“…eating more saved ME!” – Behind the metabolism reset curtain..

Behind the metabolism reset curtain…

metabolism resetI’ve been at cut for a little over a month and I am pleased to say that my metabolism reset was a success. I even went into cut over the Christmas holiday and woke up to a 1 lb lost the day after. This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy myself but when your cut is 2k+ you can enjoy a few more delicious bites than if it was 1200. Toward the end of my metabolism reset I started getting hungry and didn’t understand that it was my metabolism saying “Hey, I’m here and I’m awake”. It took almost 3 weeks into cut at 10% for the scale to move which kind of scared me, because again I still struggle with the microwave mentality. It doesn’t happen over night, your body is a tricky and complex machine and it tends to do what it wants to. Often times, our brains and our bodies aren’t on the same wave length, one or the other is mostly lagging behind. But once the scale started moving I was as happy as a dog with two tail. So far I’ve averaged about .5-1 lbs a week, not counting TOM and those occasional misbehaved meals.

Doing a metabolism reset was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself. It has healed so much more than my metabolism or just teaching me how to eat. My relationship with food is not that of guard and prisoner anymore. I’m in control because now I know that life doesn’t end with 1 bad food choice or giving in to my sweet tooth. When you allow yourself to eat more you are not tied so tight to those tiny portions and extreme food restrictions. Reset has also opened my eyes to all the health problems I had from eating VLCD. Lack of energy, irregularity, outrageous food cravings, dry skin, irritability, headaches and hair loss. All of these things I had no clue came from poor nutrition until I started eating. I still have chocolate cravings and honestly that craving I’ll keep, LOL after all chocolate is a required macro!!

Lifting weights is now my new love and I actually enjoy getting up in the morning to go bang some iron. My personal goal for this year is to squat and deadlift my body weight and increase upper body strength. Even with weight training I struggle with the “get there fast” thoughts in my head. I still think I should be flipping over cars and climbing buildings when I should just keep picking up heavy things and putting them down until they become too light, then pick up something heavier. I’ll be doing Xtrain soon and STS in the fall.

metabolism resetI never really thought that I had a eating disorder until I did my metabolism reset and began my cut. I’ve always associated eating disorders in terms of extremes i.e anorexia or bulimia. Ive never been one to extremely over eat or under eat for long periods of time (so I thought) But now that I am counting my calories and am being more accountable for what goes in my body, I now know that my eating is very disordered. There have been days that I would mentally struggle to eat 700 calories and then there are days I devour 2500 calories, all linked to how I am feeling and the level of stress. Now I understand why my weight loss yo-yo’ed for so many years, and I also understand why so many fall into these eating habits so easily and get stuck there. EM2WL has saved me in so many ways and Ive learned so much. Without their guidance I could have easily fallen into the anorexia/bulimia pool and drowned like so many, but because my relationship with food is continuously healing I haven’t. A full Metabolism Reset was one of the best things I did for myself, next to buying my first weight set. I can only speak on what I know and what I know is eating more saved ME.

If there is any doubt in your mind about increasing your calories, lifting weights, doing a metabolismreset, I challenge you to change the way you think, re-train your brain from the way we have all been taught to lose weight and give it your best. You wont regret it and your body will thank you for it.


Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to Success@EM2WL.com

What happened to my muscles?! The diminishing returns of “newbie gains”

What happened to my muscles?! The diminishing returns of “newbie gains”

Newbie Gains

Newbie Gains – I was SO excited!

It’s an all-too-familiar story.  You’re doing BodyPump, 30 Day Shred, Circuits, Bootcamps, the works…killing it.  The scale is dropping, and you start to see some nice muscle definition.  You’ve never seen this before, so you get excited.  You’ve always wanted to have that look, and now you’re on your way.  You can just imagine the look on everyone’s face when you strut your stuff at the beach this summer.  So you keep going, because things can only get better from here, right?


Somewhere along the line, your body begins to change, and not for the better.  You’re flexing hard, but it’s a strain to see the muscle definition that was so apparent not long ago.  In some ways, you even look…fatter!  You’re doing the same thing as before, so you know that it works.  It’s been months, maybe even years, shouldn’t you look better? Shouldn’t you be ridiculously ripped by now?

newbie gains

2 yrs & 10lbs later, still looked ok, but definition is gone & tummy is growing

In my experience, women (and some men) will often develop a mentality of “more is better” when it comes to cutting.  They get addicted to the leaning out process and stay in cut mode for far too long, to their own detriment.  The mistake is made in thinking, “When I did this before, my muscles were so defined, so the longer I do it, the more definition I’ll have.”  This could not be farther from the truth.  What really happens, is they begin losing what they thought was muscle/definition and develop a skinny fat look.  This is why you will see some women working out all the time, seemingly doing everything right, yet appearing to not progress or even go backwards.

I admit to getting tripped up in this way of thinking as well.  When I first began incorporating weight training into my regimen, the results were amazing.  I did all the different routines in the fitness mags, and later moved on to trying out circuit routines as they became all the rage.  My body begin to change like I never imagined.  I was so BEAST.  You couldn’t tell me a thing. LOL. I was on a lot of fitness/bodybuilding forums at the time, and would see all these things about bulking/cutting, blah, blah.  But what did they know?  I was breaking all of their “rules” and seeing phenomenal results. I didn’t need those cycles.  Circuit training WORKED for me and was gonna be my claim to fame.  I got my hands on a copy of 30 Day Shred and loved the first 30 day results so much that I did another cycle.  And another.  And about 4 more.  I was gonna look like Jillian if it killed me.

It didn’t kill me, but I didn’t look like Jillian, either.

Newbie Gains

Perhaps I should just bulk – what do I have to lose at this point?

I looked up a year later, had gained about 5 -10 lbs, and looked completely different.  There was absolutely no muscle definition, and I was even starting to get a slight belly pudge that had completely disappeared the year before.  I was devastated.  I couldn’t understand how things had gotten that far when I was doing everything “right.”  So I gathered my courage (fitness forums can be harsh places!) and posted a question on one of the forums, titled: “What happened to my muscles?!”  I briefly rehashed what I’d been doing over the last couple of years, and attached pics of the differences that had taken place, and one of how I wanted to look.

The answers were mean, nasty, rude, numerous and unanimous:  “Newbie gainsStop doing that circuit $%@&  and bulk!.. You lost definition because you lost muscles…and you didn’t have much to begin with!” 

And they were absolutely right.  The small amount of muscle I’d “gained” as a newbie, was gone, so to speak.  I had never really put on a decent enough amount of muscle to have the look I wanted.  I had simply reduced my body-fat so much that it appeared I’d gained muscle.  Now, due to my excessive circuits (cardio)/under-eating lifestyle, the body-fat level was rising again.  I was trying to “cut” what wasn’t even really there yet, and I went way too long without changing my routine.   I knew enough about bulk/cut cycles at that point (even though I’d ignored them, thinking I was exempt) and decided to put them into practice.  I also went back to my heavy weights and assigned the circuits/high reps to specific phases (cut/maintenance).

Newbie Gains

1 yr, and 2 “mini” bulk cycles later

I’ve been lifting heavy like this for about 7-10 years now, so I’ve since learned just how much muscle I really have (I used to have a much more exaggerated view of how much “muscle” was under my fat, lol).  I’ve learned how long I can stay in cut mode before the results appear to reverse on me (around 12-16 weeks, MAX for me). Our bodies are essentially always either building (hypertrophy) or tearing down (atrophy).  So after too long in either one, you begin to see the pros/cons of it (both phases have them).  Stay in bulk too long, you’ll just look fat…stay in cut too long, you’ll be smaller, but with no muscle (skinny fat).  It will always be an on-going process. You will never look the same, changes are always happening.  Maintenance (as in staying exactly the same) is just a theory. That’s why I just give myself 3-4 months in each phase, and that sums up my year, if that makes sense. It’s the constant changing up of the phases, that actually gets you where you’d like to be.

Anything works short term…nothing works forever.

Newbie gains are awesome.  You can do everything “wrong” and still get results.  However…when the time comes, don’t be afraid to move on, and take it to the next level.

New Year’s Resolution Giveaway Winner – Eat More 2 Weigh Less


New Year's ResolutionWe enjoyed hearing how everyone is (or isn’t) tackling their New Year’s resolutions in 2013! We would also like to congratulate the winner of our giveaway, the Supreme 90-Day workout DVD set:

Brenda Bringman

Brenda, you will soon receive your new workout program and be able to confidently move forward with your strength/fitness goals for 2013. Stick with your strength training and watch your body completely transform. With the next 90 days to kick things off, there should be no stopping you! We hope you have those dumbbells on standby!

We will be contacting you with the details, Brenda, and getting that set to you right away!

Congrats again, & be sure to take before PICS. We’d love to see your results!

“Stick it out!” – Heidi pushed through a 12 WEEK weight loss plateau!

“Stick it out!” – Heidi pushed through a 12 WEEK weight loss plateau!

weight loss plateauFor the first time in my life I feel like I am doing the right thing by my body (and mind).

Starting from the time I was a small child I had issues with food. I had a parent who would say things like “Do you really need to eat that?”. She was also always trying some crazy diet or weight watchers, slim fast etc. I remember thinking I needed to be doing slim fast shakes too when I was 8 years old.

When I was 9 years old I began to make myself throw up after eating a large meal or if I over did it on junk food. That continued until I was 14 when I discovered the gym. I would spend hours upon hours working out but took a pause from bulimia. I also took up smoking to help control my hunger (I was smart one…)

I continued on with this until I was in University when I began to make myself throw up again as well as exercise for hours on end. I looked pretty good too. I was lifting heavy weights but also doing hour of cardio per day. I was a student at the time so I had the time that I could put into that, but I wasn’t ever really happy with myself or my body (looking back I would kill for that body now but not how I was maintaining it).

After University I got married and quit the gym because we couldn’t afford it and didn’t live near one anymore. I put on 55 lbs in no time. I just ballooned right up and couldn’t mentally handle it. I started making myself throw up even more, sometimes ten or more times per day. I was still fat.

My husband and I decided it was time to have babies and I decided it was time for me to confess my deep dark secret to him. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. He was sweet and supportive. I sought counseling because I didn’t want to bring a child into this world while I was treating my body that way. I committed to ditching the Bulimia and after 18 months became pregnant with my daughter.

weight loss plateau

Within 6 weeks of having her I knew I wanted to make a change. I dieted (low calorie), and started running as well as spin class and got myself down from 245 to 186 (with no real shape yet to my body). At this point I got pregnant again with my son and went back up to 235 despite doing spin and eating better during this pregnancy.

Now, one year later I am down to 178 lbs but I look a million times better and I feel a billion times better. Around the end of April 2012 I started reading about “Eat more to weigh less” on the Myfitnesspal forums. It all just made so much sense to me. It seemed to reasonable and like something I could stick with for the rest of my life. So I upped my calories! At this point I was already lifting heavy weights as well but on low calorie diet there is really only so much your body can do in terms of recomposition.

So TMI but my whole life I have been constipated. When I upped my calories I immediately became regular and also had more energy and I was able to increase the weights I was lifting exponentially. I also dropped 5 or 6 lbs right away (I had previously been on a weight loss plateau). Then the weight loss slowed to a grinding halt for 12 weeks. Now, most people would give up and go back to their 1200 calorie diets, BUT I knew in my heart heart that I needed to stick this out. I NEEDED to. For my children’s sake. I NEED to be a good example for them, a healthy example. So I just plugged away at it, day in and day out. Was it frustrating to not see the scale budge? Absolutely. 12 weeks!!! And then finally in the 13th week I started dropping weight again. And in the mean time I was seeing changes in my body, both how I looked and how I felt. I was stronger and happier and my libido was even coming back.

I started seeing a naturopathic doctor who has a machine to monitor lean body mass and metabolism. Both of those numbers were low for me. weight loss plateauFor the past 5 months I have seen her monthly and each month I have lost pounds of fat and maintained my muscle mass or even put on muscle! On a low calorie diet this would be pretty well impossible.

Another important thing for me was increasing my protein amounts to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. Since increasing my calories and protein I have not felt the urge to binge or overdo it really at all. Everything just seems more balanced. It has been 8 months so far and I have not looked back once despite the plateaus or the weight gains here and there because I am smaller, fitter and happier and I know this is the way to go. And in fact, this is how my thin/athletic friends live their lives as well.

This was very long winded but the moral of the story is that you need to stick it out. Even if you hit a weight loss plateau and don’t see a loss on the scale for months, there are other more important things happening in your body. Not to mention the fact that you are worth more than a number on the scale!


Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to Success@EM2WL.com

STOP Spinning your wheels and Get OFF the Rollercoaster!



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