weight loss plateauI replied to your post about a week ago on your mental aspect of fitness and health.  I had even messaged you prior to that months ago on how upset I had been on not getting anywhere.  We were able to relate to each other.  Then I saw your status and had just weighed and measured myself the morning of your status and finally busted through my year long — even more — plateau.

Your Facebook status that prompted me to write:

The mental aspect of the journey truly drives or hinders… I went through a mental hump months ago but kept pressing forward… Now I’m seeing the fruits of that press.  Stay encouraged because you mentally know the right thing is to fuel your body… Remember that always as you press forward, even when you think nothings happening. When you eat well, get in your protein, lift with some cardio… I guarantee things are happening when you aren’t seeing it just quite yet.  Sometimes you have to tweak a little… Switch up the cardio or lifts,  macros,  change the cut percent, as in my case get a BMF to get true TDEE (I chose wrong activity so I was under eating still),  get hormone levels checked… But dropping cals drastically should never be the go to again. That doesn’t work, it just sets you back. If you’re close to goal, then remember your cut should shrink the closer you get to it.  Ok, guess I should go do STS legs and stop stalling. Have an amazing day!

My reply with story after your encouragement:weight loss plateau

The last time I had messaged with you I was at an all time low.  I was depressed and so unhappy I could not budge to get to my goal. I was at a weight loss plateau for over a year.  I studied to become a trainer (after 20 years of reading about health and  fitness and working out so it was a passion) and was certified last June.  I also became a Beachbody coach in July to supplement my business with DVDs for those who could not afford to come to me or schedules were not syncing.  Anyway I felt useless as a trainer and was always thinking if I cant get myself to my goal how can I truly encourage and get my clients to where they want to be.  I did build muscle and did not want to lose that so I continued lifting 4-5 days a week different body parts.  I grew tired of making my own plans and since I love DVDs started following Body Beast as well.  I just didn’t want to lose what I gained.  I logged everything on MFP minus 250 cals (to lose 1/2 lb a week) sometimes I KNOW I went over and I was finally ok with that.  After starting the program the cravings and mental aspect of logging went away and still are 2-3 months later.

Iweight loss plateau am finally happy (words cannot describe) as I have reached my goal of 115 lbs. I am only 5’2″ and I was 125 so according to charts to get to my fit BF% I needed to lose 10-15 lbs.  And I know most of the muscle stayed on as I lost 13″ inches all over (I measure 10 different areas).  I use fat calipers and the mm’s went down. I haven’t calculated BF% yet.  I used a HRM during all workouts including any lifting and logged that cal burn.  So I was eating 1800-2300 cals a day depending on my activity level that day.  I also TRIED to eat well 80/20% of the time but honestly in the last two weeks alone we had to go out to eat due to birthdays and schedules.  So I ate at two Mexican places, pizza hut and KFC and had ice cream cake and I was stuffed as I did not hold back.  LOL.  I do confess I drink coffee every morning and 1 glass of wine most evenings.  I give all the glory to God here.  Had none of this come into my life I would still be struggling right now and the worst part was the depression and self-loathing.  I want others to have the feeling I had this morning of happiness again.

Obviously this is long and I just poured out what came to my mind.  Thank you for wanting to hear.

weight loss plateau

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