fitness challenge

As this year draws to a close, its a great time to reflect upon the goals that you had set for the previous year.  Take a few minutes to reflect and answer some questions.  If you don’t already, now would be a great time for a fitness challenge.  Begin a fitness journal where you can keep a written record of your goals, plan your meals, and log your workouts.  This can either be done with an actual notebook, or if you find it more convenient, you can take advantage of a number of smart phone apps for this purpose.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What did I do well this year?
  • What could I improve upon?
  • Are there obstacles to reaching my goals that I need to address?
  • What could I do to work around these obstacles?
  • What habits do I need to develop if I wish to accomplish my goals?

fitness challengeAs you reflect upon your past year, there may be some areas where you realize that you came up short.  Don’t beat yourself up!  None of us are perfectly consistent all the time!  Leave the past in the past and commit to always moving forward.  As you approach your new year, it may be time to set some new goals.

Here at EM2WL, we are committed to helping you make 2014 your very best year yet! Be warned: the media will capitalize upon this time and try to entice you into the latest diet and fitness craze. We know diets are not the answer!  Committing to making small, sustainable changes and remaining consistent is the best way to see the lasting results you desire.

Over the year, our team will be putting together a number of monthly challenges to help you stay on track.  Because EM2WL is all about the big picture, these challenges will address a number of areas: strength training, cardio, motivation, goal-setting,  self-love/body acceptance, and nutrition.  They are broken into small, daily tasks that you will find easy to fit into your day.  These small challenges will make a big difference in your journey, and help you to make this a lifestyle!  We are excited to kick off our January fitness challenge in just a few days and can’t wait for you to join us!

Will YOU take the challenge?

Be sure to check in on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we work through these challenges together!

fitness challenge

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Image courtesy of: khuruzero of

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