fitness goals


Now that you have your list of fitness goals, look deeper into the reasons why you want to achieve them.  What is really driving you to make this change?  Maybe you want to set a better example for your kids or something similar.  Willpower is an exhaustible resource and having that emotional tie in to your goal will help pull you through the tough times.  Referring to this list regularly will help reinforce your commitment.

By now, you should have a clear-cut idea of the goals that you want to accomplish for this year. Hopefully you have a list of some outcome-based goals that you intend to work towards in accomplishing your main goals. And you’ve framed those goals in such a way that you are working on building positive habits, rather than eliminating negative ones.

Now it’s time to get personal and dig deep into the reasons for your motivation.  Why is it important for you to reach your goal? There are a number of reasons why you might set fitness goals. Maybe you want to set a better example for the little ones who are watching your every move, do away with high blood pressure, or feel more confident when you wear that bikini for your upcoming beach vacation.


fitness goals

As you think about the factors that are motivating you, remember that ultimately YOU are your best motivator and it is YOU who needs to own this journey. You need to determine what will motivate you to keep going when your willpower runs out. Others may be able to encourage you, but it is YOU who must make the hard choices and remain consistent when you feel like giving up.

Remember to continue to cast your goals in a positive, not negative light. If you begin your goal setting process from the place of feeling disgusted with the way you look, it is highly likely that you will approach developing healthy habits as “punishment.” This is the wrong way to approach lasting lifestyle changes! If you view fitness and nutrition as punishment, you are far less likely to remain consistent. Change your mindset! Remaining consistent in the behaviors that will help you succeed in reaching your goals is an incredibly rewarding, not punishing experience.

fitness goalsThere is nothing wrong with wanting to be proud of the way that you look. However, placing too much emphasis on attaining a certain look can drain the joy out of life. Try to keep the focus of your goals on performance and outcomes. This can be incredibly difficult for us, particularly as women living in a culture that places so much emphasis on how we look. It is easy for us to become obsessive about the way we look, and often the truly important things in our lives suffer as a result. Self-loathing, body shaming, anxiety, depression, and perfectionism often are present in those who are overly concerned with their physical appearance. Unable to attain to this impossible standard of perfection, it is easy to temporarily stop caring, which unfortunately leads to more self-loathing, and the cycle continues.

Regardless of where you are right now in your journey, be proud of who you are and do not subject yourself to body shaming as a way to motivate yourself.  Don’t wait until you’ve accomplished your goals to feel great. Make sure you have plenty of options to look and feel your best, right now!

You may want to answer some questions in your fitness journal to help you think about the reasons for your goals.  Jotting down a a few thoughts will give you something to refer back to and remind you of why this is important when you feel your willpower diminishing.

fitness goals


  • What goals do you have?
  • Why is it important for you to accomplish these goals?
  • What drives you?
  • What makes you feel happy?
  • How will you feel when you reach your goals?

Images courtesy of: stockimages, Stuart Miles, Maya Picture of



BeccaBecca is a busy wife and homeschooling mother to five children ages 5 to 13. About three years ago, she embarked on a journey to health and fitness that resulted in the loss of approximately 100 pounds. Today, she is a competitive powerlifter and strongwoman who loves ice cream and deadlifts.  As an ISSA certified personal trainer, she is passionate about helping women to get started on a lifestyle of strength and fitness.


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