Matching Eating and Exercise to Training Goals

Matching Eating and Exercise to Training Goals

training goalsA common thread that I find as I engage on different fitness/diet forums, and even conversations with friends and family, is randomness.  One particular area of confusion seems to be with fat loss and training goals.  I often have women (and a few men!) tell me that because they are in a fat loss phase they don’t need to lift weights, or at least not heavy ones.  For some reason there has been a general consensus over the years, that the only way to “cut” is to ditch the heavy weight and move to strictly circuit routines and 3lb Barbie weights, while OD’ing on cardio.  While the addition of a little cardio can certainly assist in fat burning, I think that somewhere along the line confusion has set in as to methods on how to cut (aka shed fat).

When cutting, you won’t purposely be lifting lighter (I hope!), though, you may lighten the weights (slightly) on occasion to accommodate for moving faster in certain workouts, when applicable.  It is harder to lift heavy during circuit work (if you choose to incorporate such workouts), but that does not mean you drop the 30# and head for the 3#.  Because cutting is all about the eats, a person who is in a caloric deficit for any length of time may begin to lose strength, thus having to lower the poundage.  This is, again, only as low as necessary to complete the amount of reps, yet still hitting failure toward the end of the set.

training goalsMany men (and some women!) even take it a step further and NEVER want to cut,  feeling it will undo all of their muscle building efforts.  They’ve heard that muscle loss comes with cutting territory, and they fear it almost as much as the ladies fear the fat gain that comes with bulking.   While this is true, it is the same that I addressed in the post on fat gain when bulking, these “side effects” are minimal when done correctly, and neither will “undo” the other unless we go too “extreme” in either phase (meaning grossly over eat in bulk w/minimal activity or grossly under eat in cut w/too much activity).  If we are careful not to hit extremes, there are only a few tweaks here and there needed that will allow us to receive benefits from both phases.

It’s the extreme combo of cardio/deficit eating that will possibly cause muscle catabolization. Muscle is extremely hard to build on women, so we have to take extra care when doing the things that oppose muscle growth (i.e. eating in a deficit, doing excess cardio). It’s basically the equivalent to eating cheesecake and a diet coke, or a salad w/a milkshake (or any of the other quirky things that we do where one thing we’re doing is cancelling out the other)… So when you’re in a mode like that, getting lean while sparing as much muscle as possible, is the goal.

OK, enough rambling…back to the training goals…

training goalsAs I began to truly focus on my goals, my bulks got progressively longer each year, because I was realizing that my body was willing to let go of more muscle than I wanted/had (I realized that I didn’t have nearly as much as I assumed, but that’s another ramble).  So my training goal became to build as much muscle as possible, so that when I added in the cardio/deficit,  I wouldn’t lose as much.   But I also chose to keep lifting the same, regardless of the mode (not exactly the same, but more on that later).  So assuming that one had a similar goal, doing that, plus eating properly (and getting enough protein) will aid in keeping the muscle you’ve built, until you head into your next muscle build mode.

Your changes should come from your eats whenever possible, cardio comes second. Remember this:

  • Building muscle requires eating at a *slight* surplus, lifting heavy, and going easy on the cardio
  • Losing fat requires eating at a *slight* deficit, lifting heavy, and burning more calories than you’re taking in
  • Maintenance requires “maintenance” calorie eating (obviously), lifting heavy, and enough cardio to stay healthy/maintain your current physique

training goalsAs you can see, the only factor they have in common is the lifting.  Everything else is total opposite, that’s why we need to choose which one is the most important, and go with that. Once we switch to another phase, we have to keep in mind to not look for the effects/benefits of a phase that we are not in. So, when building muscle, it’s inevitable that you will gain even *slight* amounts of fat along w/it since you’re eating in surplus…when burning fat, it’s inevitable that you could lose *slight* amounts of muscle since you’re eating in a deficit- they’re just two opposite ends of the spectrum- but *slight* does not mean all.

Think of it as getting your hair trimmed, you trim some, so that it will grow longer, and healthier. You’re not cutting it all off, just enough to keep it healthy. So if you wanted to grow your hair out, you’d let it grow a lot, trim a little, & repeat, until it was at the desired length, right? So the best thing is to use each phase to our advantage, get in, and get out (unless it’s a phase that we choosing to linger in for whatever reason – like maintenance…)

So pick your fitness cycle, as if you’re heading to the salon. What are you going for? Are you headed for growth (just need a little trim, just enough to get the splits)? Are you looking for a shock, whatever the cost (new color, chop it all off)? Or are you just getting regular maintenance / upkeep (good deep condition, color touch up, wash & style)?

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Losing Weight – “I’ve tried it all! Nothing works!”

QI’m seriously getting discouraged. I’ve tried EVERYTHING, and it doesn’t work. Even the things that you’ve said. I feel like I’ve been stuck since the holidays. I originally had my cals set at 1200, I was losing ok until the holidays then I hit a serious plateau after falling off the wagon, w/my holiday eating. I tried to get right back on track in Jan, but the scale wouldn’t budge. So I added a bit more cardio to see if that would help. After a couple weeks I got frustrated, and the extra cardio was making me SO hunlosing weightgry. I kept reading about people upping their cals, and since I was starving, and it seemed to make sense, I upped mine to 1400. February, I read your posts about bulking, and figured since I wanted to gain some muscle, and wasn’t seeing results w/low cals, I’d just focus on muscle building. So I upped my cals to 2300 and started lifting heavier in addition to my 60 minutes of cardio 5xs a week, which, after a week, I saw you tell someone that that was too much cardio, so I cut back. But I kept lifting heavy like you said. I was hoping to see some good muscle definition, but I just felt like I was getting bigger. After 2-3 weeks I couldn’t see any of my muscles, even the ones that I could see before. So I couldn’t take it anymore , I had to add the cardio back in, because, I think I need more than most people. Plus I know that you just don’t like cardio, so that’s your reason for not doing it. I also just really felt like I was eating WAY too much, and had to drop my cals, but I only reduced them to 2000, nothing crazy. I also decided to try out Paleo, because a lot of my friends are seeing success with it, to see if it would help me break my plateau, and with Paleo, I find it harder for me to get in more than 2000 cals. But in March, the weather just started getting so warm, that I dropped my cals to start my cut. I just couldn’t take bulking anymore, and I HAVE to get the weight off and start losing weight, I really wanna be able to rock tank tops and shorts this year. So I set my cals at 1600, and switched to higher rep weight workouts, and I read that HIIT cardio is better for weight loss, so I’m doing that now. But now I just saw that low-intensity cardio is actually better for fat burning? I’m just so confused and getting frustrated with it all! NOTHING is working!!



A:  Wow!  That was a mouthful, girl, lol.  I certainly feel your frustration, it can be tough when you’re trying to find the key that will make it all click for you.  And you certainly have tried it all…

Your body doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going.  Seriously, hun, not to knock your willingness to try new things, tweak here and there to find what works for you, and even listen to me (bonus points for that one)…but, you have to pick a plan and stick with it.  Your consistency with any one program is key to finding out if it will work.  But trying out 18 different things at once, and not giving any of them enough time, will only keep you in a cloud of confusion…with nothing to show for your efforts, including losing weight.

When you add in too many things at once, you have no idea which thing worked/didn’t work. Be wary of changing certain eating and workouts aspects at the same time, if they are both a change to your current routine.  Say you’re currently doing no cardio, yet lifting weights 3 times a week and you decide that you’d like to see how your body would react to a larger deficit.  You elect to lower cals or add in cardio.  Pick one.  Doing both at the same time, not only brings on a myriad of other issues that I’ve already written about, but confuses you when/if you see a drop on the scale that week.  Which caused the drop?  Less food?  The cardio?  Both?…Or worse, was a drop prevented due to the combo?

Also, consider not doing too many changes with your food at once.  A few examples would be:

  • raising/lowering cals,
  • eliminating entire food groups (meat/dairy/grains), 
  • changing macros considerably (low carb, low fat),
  • fasting

If you did them all at the same time,  how will you have any idea which is working/not working?  Suppose you only needed to change one of those things, but…because you start seeing results, you have to keep them all changed, because no one thing was pinpointed.  So, now you put yourself in the position to either have started something that you can’t finish– setting yourself up for failure because it’s just too hard– or resign yourself to living a life of unnecessary deprivation.I know that it’s hard because there is just SO much info out there, and we’re constantly inundated with what others are doing that’s “working” for them, but that doesn’t change the basic tenant of fat loss. ConsistencyThere will always be a plethora of methods, techniques, and waves of thought that will pique your interest, but that does not mean that you throw all caution to the wind and jump on every bandwagon that comes your way…especially all at once. Yes, you should be willing and prepared to change your current regimen if it’s not working. Yes, you should be willing to listen with an open mind when someone presents an aspect of health/weight loss/training that is completely different from what you’ve been doing (especially when it is backed by sound research). Yes, your regimen should be ever changing, like the seasons of the year.  Long enough to enjoy, yet ending just as you’ve become acclimated, with the promise of return in it’s due time.


It should not be like a celebrity marriage, ending before it even begins.  Doomed from the start because there are way too many outside forces involved, with the “newest” thing just awaiting the opportunity to catch your eye and lead you astray.

We all need to take the time to become in-tuned with our bodies and understand what action leads to what resultThis ONLY comes from taking time with each individual change to understand the bodies reaction to it, see if it leads in the desired direction.  Yet at the same time realizing that quick fixes will NOT last forever.  So, when you hear something that sounds interesting, and you’d like to give it a try, take a moment and evaluate:

  • How long have I been doing what I’m currently doing?
  • Is what I’m currently doing working?
  • How does this “new” thing differ from my “current” thing?
  • How long is it taking other people to receive results using this new method? (max and minimum amount of time) And what are those results?
  • How much time am I willing to dedicate to this method?
  • What changes, relative to my weight/height/body composition/bodyfat % am I hoping to see?
  • How will I feel if I put in 4-6 weeks with this method and receive/not receive the results that I want? (Remembering that some changes require longer commitments than others)
  • If I find that this plan/method/idea works, for me/I’d like to give it longer than 4-6 weeks, how will I incorporate it in with other things that I’ve found to “work” for a fully comprehensive, personalized to me program?

Allowing yourself the time and thought process such as this, will not only help to steer you from the “lose 10 lbs in 10 days” nonsense mentality promoted by mass media, but will help you to be more prepared for adapting your regimen to different methods that you find yourself wanting to try.  Giving yourself guidelines ahead of time, will also aid in keeping you committed and calm with your new changes, instead of second guessing yourself within a week, running to a new “tweak” or compounding on the current one.  It will also help you to evaluate, how/if to incorporate it in with other changes that you’ve found that work.  You may find many things that “work” along the way, but is not necessary to try/attempt them all (especially all at once).  It is also, of the utmost importance, to always have the elusive “trump card.”  In the dieting industry, these are known as “stubborn fat loss” methods.  Don’t dive into these too soon in your journey, as “stubborn” means that you should already be fairly lean (as in visible abs), and are trying to get the last vanity pounds to move (as in competition or photoshoot lean).  These techniques are NOT for the general fat loss community with lots of fat to lose.

In the game of fat loss, you NEVER want to throw all your cards on the table, from the jump.
Keep things fresh, always have a plan, but…always have another trick up your sleeve.

Bulk Cut Cycle Length – How long to bulk? When to cut?


Q: How many weeks should you cut or bulk?  I’m so confused as to how low and high I should go. How do I figure it out? I still have a lot of body fat on my thighs that I need to get rid of. I want to build my upper body but think I need to get rid of some of my fat first. Help! What do I do first?


A: When you’re first starting, your Bulk Cut Cycle length can be shorter, until you become more familiar/trusting in the process.  I often suggest trying a month of each to start (alternating).  As you become more comfortable with bulking, the longer time you can spend in it, the more progress you’ll see.  Right now, I do it based on seasons.  It’s more convenient for me to bulk during the holidays/cooler months, etc..   It’s much less “mental” for me then, LOL.  So, my bulk runs 3bulk cut cycle length-4 months, minimum, right now.

Cutting should be closely monitored and you should try your best not to undo your efforts from your bulk.  That’s why I recommend alternating at first.  During your cut keep protein levels consistent, cardio moderate (until close to the end), try to let the food do the work, and don’t slash the calories all at once.  Give yourself wiggle room as you hit plateaus.  My cut is usually during spring, never lasting more than my bulk in length (12-16 weeks is typical).  I lose as slow as possible (~.5lb/wk), to prevent muscle loss.

During your bulk, take the opportunity to get your cals as high as possible, without overdoing it (200-300 cals over maintenance is a decent starting point).  If you bulk for  an extended period of time and find your body adapting to the higher calorie level, try raising them a bit higher to see how your body handles it.  This will allow for a metabolism reset, allowing you to cut/maintain at higher levels than before. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to cut/maintain at more relaxed cal levels.  Because you are lifting exceptionally heavy during your bulk (with lower reps) your body will be able to put those cals to proper use (vs having to budget them as when you’re in a deficit).  A basic way of seeing how much you should eat during your bulk, to start, is to use the EM2WL calculator set to “gain muscle.”  Women can gain a max of  around .25lbs of muscle each week, so this will supply just the right amount of surplus to make sure minimal fat is gained. You can also use that as a reference for how long to bulk for (i.e. say you’re not willing to gain more than 5lbs, plan the bulk for ~10 wks/5lbs, whichever comes first).  Even though it seems oxymoronic, because muscle takes up so much less space than fat, you can usually get quite far along in your bulk before the gain is noticeable.  More women notice it on the scale before seeing the “gain” on their bodies.  But the scale is usually enough to scare us, and make us wanna run, lol.

So, once familiar with the process, you may be better off bulking until you “feel” bulky (aka jeans get too tight, lol), then cutting a bit — and repeating as necessary.  You’ll notice that the more you bulk, your cut doesn’t last as long as you planned, because most of the “weight” is muscle, and  looks completely different (which is why the scale can’t determine your goals).   I’m  the same size as my previous “fat” weight, but about 5 sizes smaller, for reference.

Also, it’s perfectly acceptable to start your bulk before reaching “goal” weight.  I did.  I never have figured out what “goal” was.  After so many bulk/cut cycles, my weight vs clothing size doesn’t even make sense anymore, lol.




Build muscle while eating at deficit – Am I the exception to the rule?

Build muscle while eating at deficit – Am I the exception to the rule?

build muscleQ:  So I’ve been tossing around the idea of bulking to build muscle, and it’s got my mind spinning, lol.. That just seems crazy. Not there mentally yet… I have lost SO much weight, and the thought of putting on more just doesn’t sit right w/me yet, I guess. I know that you believe that you have to build muscle before you can cut/define it, but I honestly beg to differ, as I’ve never “bulked” and I know I see muscles. I’ve been doing most of the other things that you usually talk about: not starving myself (1800+ cals for deficit), lifting really heavy, moderate cardio here and there. And, because I’m still in a slight deficit, the scale keeps going down! 

But most of all, I have gained so much definition…I would hate to lose what I have by going into a bulk…I am starting to get a headache with trying to figure out what I need to be doing. My goal is not so much the weight loss, as it is fitting back into my size 4 and looking toned, you know. I am almost there…I got on my smallest 6’s so I know I am a hair away from my 4 slacks…at that point, I just want to be cut you know what I mean.  So, is there a loophole in your “eat at surplus to gain muscle” argument, or am I missing something/the exception to the rule?


build muscle

Cutting w/higher cals + heavy lifting = amazing results

AA bigger person actually carries a larger amount of muscle mass,* naturally (the bigger the person, the more muscle). This is due to the fact that regular everyday movements (i.e. getting up out of a chair, pushing yourself out of bed in the AM, picking up your child) are essentially strength training movements (squats, tricep press, deadlift/bicep curl) due to the extra mass on the frame adding “weight” to the movement.  The problem is there also is an extremely high ratio of fat covering that muscle (as a person who has been “bulking” – eating at surplus/lifting in low reps with high weight– might develop some fat along with the muscle).

So because you started this journey at such a high weight, and have kept weight training in the mix, technically what you’ve been doing is “cutting.” You’re just doing it properly by eating right (1800 cals to lose is AWESOME, btw) and keeping heavy weight training involved.  This is more ideal than the person that just slashes cals to the bare minimum, and ODs on cardio (who would plow through their muscle store a bit more quickly).

Keys to remember:

  • to build muscle (aka bulk) = eat at slight surplus, lower the reps, up the weights, cardio optional
  • to lose fat while maintaining/defining muscle (aka cut) = eat at a slight deficit, continuing to lift heavy, adding in cardio as needed

So what you’re doing now, is what I recommend for most people starting from a much higher weight.  Eating just under maintenance, but still lifting heavy and consistently (cutting) until getting down to a more comfortable weight range (or until newbie gains cease), before beginning bulk/cut cycles.  The exception to this is if a person has gone into starvation mode from starting this path on a “biggest loser” mission (hours of cardio/huge calorie deficit), and has hit a plateau.  I would recommend that person to do a metabolism reset/mini bulk before resuming cutting at much a slower rate (less cardio/higher cals than before).

You’ll know when the time comes to bulk, when you’ve ceased getting any beginner gains.   But, as long as you’re getting the definition, etc that you seek, you’re fine. It’s hard to describe until it happens, but you just know.


The exception to this, would be the completely sedentary obese person, who, do to non-movement has experienced extreme muscle atrophy.



What’s so bad about cardio? How much is “too much cardio”?

What’s so bad about cardio? How much is “too much cardio”?

QWhy do you hate cardio so much?  Cardio is good for you isn’t it?  But yet it always seems like you’re telling people to “stop doing too much cardio,” or talking about how much you hate it.  I’m almost scared to even say that I did cardio around you, because you make it seem like a bad thing…I love cardio, it keeps me sane, keeps my heart healthy and my blood pressure low, and keeps the weight off.  So…what’s so bad about it?

What's so bad about cardio?

What’s so bad about cardio?

A:  First, I want to say that if I’ve made you feel bad about doing cardio around me, I’m sorry.  I never set out to be the “cardio police” lol, and I would never want to make you feel bad about doing something that you truly enjoy.  Typically when you see me making a comment about someone doing “too much cardio,” it’s because that person and I have usually talked privately about them wanting to build/preserve muscle. Usually it’s also a person that I know/knows me well enough to know that I, personally, don’t love cardio.

It’s also usually:

  1. said in a joking manner,
  2. said because they’ve asked my opinion, and I’m giving it,
  3. they despise cardio, but are doing a ton because they think they need to,
  4. they’re wondering why they’re not packing on the muscle despite the time they’re putting in with the iron, or
  5. they are eating in a deficit, and NOT eating back their exercise calories.

Cardio, in and of itself is not the devil.  I have a soft-spot in my own heart for cardio (especially kickboxing…LOVE!),  being that it is what helped me to shed my first pounds and develop an interest in fitness.  Also, I suffer from endometriosis, and very poor circulation (due to a developmental issue in my childhood that left me with a much lower red blood cell count than most individuals over the age of two), and keeping a certain cardiovascular level helps me to minimize the effect that those health issues have on my quality of life (while also setting limitations on how much cardio I am physically able to do).

I also choose to keep cardio in my muscle building phase, though many exclude it altogether  (in effort to gain as much muscle as possible, while sacrificing none).  Cardio can be quite beneficial in the muscle building phase, when done in between weight training days, as a “recovery” workout of sorts.  Aerobic (literally meaning “with oxygen”) exercise, aids in muscle recovery by sending oxygen into the very muscles that were worked the day before.  This also helps in flushing any remaining lactic acid in the muscle that helps many to cope with the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) that they feel the day after an intense weight workout.

too much cardio

Whoa! Kiki caught ENJOYING cardio?

So… what’s my problem with cardio?  The reason that I seem to disapprove when someone is doing cardio is because most people don’t eat enough to fuel their cardio workouts.  They are using cardio to come up with an extreme caloric deficit.  Basically, many people try to go about it Biggest Loser style.  Not that I’m knocking the show (well…maybe I am), as it is very inspirational to see people who WANT to change their lives, and get rid of unhealthy habits.  The problem with the mentality that it can leave us with, is that we start thinking that if we workout six hours a day, we can lose 5-10 pounds every week, getting this weight off as quickly as possible.  We have to keep in mind that when it comes to weight loss: slow is better, and means that you’re more likely to keep the weight off.   Just as the show only lasts for 12-16 weeks, that type of lifestyle cannot carry on forever.

Many professionals (i.e. bodybuilders, fitness models, actors, etc) will sometimes use the more cardio/less food approach as they prepare for a specific event/role, but, again, we are looking at shorter durations of time (at the most intense level), and often they still go about it quite slowly.  Bodybuilders will also often go through a period of “reverse dieting” (increasing food intake, even if it results in an initial gain) in order to reset their metabolism once the show is over.  Regular folk, however, tend to just stay on that track for much longer than necessary, as their body begins to require the higher levels of cardio and less food scenario.  It’s an extremely slippery slope.

Strength training doubles your fat loss efforts!

Strength training doubles your fat loss efforts!

Most people that I’ve talked to privately, who’ve asked my opinion on their cardio sessions can attest to the fact that I ultimately always arrive at the same response, regardless of my personal feelings toward cardio, and my “anti-cardio” facade:

“If you want to do the cardio, do it…if you don’t, don’t”

Yes, there are ways to lose weight without cardio.  Yes, you can even “cut” without cardio if you wanted.  Yes, technically,  there are ways to build/keep muscle while still doing cardio, even if takes longer or seems harder (especially in hard gainers like women or ectomorph type), with enough attention to detail, if a cardio junkie can’t let go, or a marathon runner really want’s to counteract the muscle they’re catabolizing during their races, it can be done.  You still need to follow the basic principle of eating at a surplus (including eating back your exercise cals!), lifting heavy, and taking in enough protein to support muscle growth.  You may end up having to work twice as hard, just to build the same amount (or less) of muscle, but hey, if you can’t live without it, you can’t live without it. 

So the question then becomes: are you doing cardio because you can’t live without it, or are you giving yourself extra work because you think you have to? (remember, we’re talking about doing cardio in excessive quantities/lengths here, not your basic 30 min cardio session).  Cardio-haters are usually pleasantly surprised/thrilled at the fact that they don’t need to kill themselves on the treadmill in order to get results, and eager to learn more. But the fact remains that you need to be aware of the fact doing excessive cardio, while trying to build muscle can send your body mixed messages, so watch for key signs of over doing it.  If you begin to notice muscle loss, lack of progress, not being able to go as heavy on your lifts, etc., it’s typically a classic sign that you are under-eating, doing “too much” cardio, or both.  But don’t expect to do a little weight lifting, TONS of cardio, eat at a deficit, and be muscular and “ripped”…unless you just spent the last year in a serious bulk (i.e. eating at surplus, and lifting heavy three or more days per week)

Sorry, can’t “rip” what isn’t there, yet :-/


Disclaimer time: For me (Kiki), I find that it’s much easier to just focus on my lifts and do minimal amounts of cardio (2, sometimes 3x’s a week – to keep a cardiovascular fitness level), while either a) eating in a surplus when building muscle, or b) eating in a deficit while leaning out.  I do tend to do more cardio in the warmer months, as I’m naturally more active (family bike rides, basketball, gardening, etc), so if my cals are set at a deficit during that time, I am careful to eat back any exercise cals.  

Strength Training for Weight Loss?

Strength Training for Weight Loss?

Should you do strength training for weight loss?

strength training for weight lossAre you adding an hour or more of cardio to your lifting days on TOP of every other day?

It’s perfectly fine to do some cardio when trying to lose weight.  However, we wouldn’t recommend doing an hour of cardio on the same day as your weight workout.  If you enjoy working out almost daily, then keep the cardio and weights separate.  If you are doing full body workouts, only 3 days per week, cardio becomes your fill-in-the-gap option.  If you only workout 3 days per week, then a short cardio session (if desired) after lifting, or later in the day is sufficient.

Including cardio is a personal preference.  Some do fine with none, others can’t live without it.  Do what you feel is best, but be sure to eat properly, and lift hard.  Those are to the two most important things for you while you’re striving for fat loss.  Adding cardio to your routine doesn’t produce near the results that adding lifting does.  Keep your fat loss priorities in order: cardio for fun, weights to transform.  And again, challenge yourself for best results.  Whatever amount of reps are that you are supposed to be doing, you should not feel like you could just keep going forever.  If you’re doing eight reps, you should be almost failing by seven, completely spent by nine.  This will aid in the loose skin factor, if you have a lot of weight to lose.

Speaking of loose skin…strength training for weight loss

Another thing to consider, (though it will seem counterproductive at times because you just wanna get it over with!) is to lose weight as s.l.o.w.l.y as possible.  This allows your skin enough time to adjust to the weight loss gradually at each level.  This is also why we recommend not dropping calories too low.  Ever notice how much extra skin Biggest Loser contestants have? That’s why.  The loss just happens WAY too fast.  Another example is one that every new mom notices.  Her belly spends nine months expanding, and is suddenly deflated within hours.  What is she left with? Skin, where a five to ten pound baby used to be.  Since pregnancy is one area what we can’t avoid this, let’s take advantage of what we can control.

If you’re losing slowly, and building some muscle, it’ll help keep things tighter than if you just drop a ton of weight super fast.  Also drink as much water as you possibly can, and get enough good fats/omegas — which will aid in keeping the elasticity in your skin as it adjusts.


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