by EM2WL | Sep 23, 2012 | Testimonials, The Journey
It has been about 7 weeks since I began my Cut after reset, so it was time for a weight loss update, no matter how ugly it is.
I took measurements today and these are the changes since April. This was about the time I began EM2WL.
Waist (at navel) up .3 inches
Natural waist – (from August) down 1 inch
Hips – up 2 inches
Thighs – down 1 inch
Arms – down .5 inch
Chest – up .5 inch
Forearm – 0 change
Calf – (from May) down 1 inch
While I am happy with a few of them going down, overall since April, I have only lost .7 inches. To top it off because my hips and my weight have gone up slightly, there is a 1%BF INCREASE. Definitely not the direction that is supposed to go. I’m frustrated, upset, angry, pissed off, you name it, that I am almost 6 months into this journey and I am at a standstill with weight loss on the scale and my measurements.
HOWEVER, I will focus on the positives right now to remind me that even though things aren’t changing like I had hoped and anticipated, I do have changes. I started running in January with the C25K program. I ran my first 5k in April, and I ran my first 10k in August. I have one more 10k in two weeks. Even at 240ish pounds, I have proven I can run.
I started lifting in May. Something I never really considered or had a drive to do. Now I enjoy it and I like seeing the weights get heavier.
I am eating about 1000 MORE calories now than I did at the beginning of my journey. So even though the numbers aren’t reflecting change yet, I am NOT STARVING myself to at least maintain my weight. I will NEVER eat VLC again. There is no reason to ever eat less than my BMR again.
So yes, its an incredibly frustrating and upsetting journey for me overall, but I would rather be here than where I was 6 months ago, eating so very little, being so very tired and still frustrated that the scale hasn’t budged. (At least here I can eat more and wallow in pity:)) I will not give up. And I am hopeful that things will change and trend downwards for me soon. It has to, right?
I spent the better part of the morning having a love/hate relationship with my results today and while it sounds like I’m OK with things, I’m really not. I love that I can eat more and I love that I’m feeling better and healthier and such, but at 240ish pounds, I’m NOT OK with a gain in BF% and I’m NOT OK with no change on the scale. I’ve worked really hard for everything I have done in the past 6 months, and it damn near kills me that I’m still in the same position I was before, only eating more.
However, I have been wearing a FitBit for the past 3 weeks and I just ran a calorie burn over the 21 days, and found out that my TDEE from this is about 130 calories LOWER than the online calculators have given me (2865 on Scooby, compared to 2730 from the FitBit). So this translates instead of a cut of 15% taking me to 2440 from the online calculator, I should be at 2321. so that’s a difference of 120 cals..
At 2440 Daily cals, my Cut was barely 10%.
Now I cant say 100% this is the reason why the scale isn’t budging, but it has given me pause and I am going to adjust my cals to reflect it. I have been working on cleaning up my diet more, getting rid of the junk, concentrating on keeping the carbs down and protein up. So I have hope that doing these small changes might start to show some results for me.
I guess we’ll see in another 6 weeks
ETA: I’m going to take a TDEE break before resuming at a lower number..
by EM2WL | Sep 21, 2012 | Testimonials, Transformations
I wasn’t always overweight. Believe it or not until I had my first child I weighed 104 pounds. After I had my son, I went thru postpartum depression. I didn’t know it at the time and my doctor certainly didn’t clue me in. I gained 50 pounds, it just seemed like I couldn’t stop eating. Fast forward about 10 years, the military sent us overseas. I spent 4 ½ years eating my way thru Europe. Overseas, no family, no support, my husband deployed leaving me in a place that seemed like it was always raining. I gained another 50+ pounds. I was unhappy, no.. I was down right miserable.
Once we got back to the states, I could not deny my problem anymore. I sat on the couch staring at my treadmill. My excuses ran out, not enough time, not enough energy, my work out equipment was in storage. All that came to a halt the day my household goods arrived. I was a stay at home military spouse, my kids were suddenly teenagers and didn’t need me like they did when they were little. I let that be my excuse for years. Time was up on all that, I made a doctors appointment with the intention of getting a gastric bypass. I qualified for it but the the thing I kept hearing was you will never learn how to eat right or lose the weight and keep it off if you go that route. I left the doctors mad as a hornet. What do you mean I couldn’t keep the weight off? Why was my doctor working against me? Those were my thoughts as I was driving home.
That evening I sat down and really thought about what it was that I really wanted. Did I just want to lose the weight? Did I want to go the easier route? Or did I want to not only lose weight but to learn how to be healthy? After much soul searching, I decided to go back to my doctors a few days later and discuss how to start to lose weight and how does one go about eating healthy. Well for me it started with Phentermine for about 2 months, I did lose the first 20 pounds that way. You see it took away my hunger, it took away all thoughts of eating. I would take a nice pill and not eat until 6 or 7 pm. I figured it out much later that I was barely eating 800 calories. Then after about 2 months, my magic pill quit working. Back to the doctor I ran and fast. His words were a wake up call. He told me” the rest is up to you”. I had to do the rest COLD TURKEY, no way!!!
I figured I’d eat the same amount of calories that I was eating with the pill and the weight would still come sliding off right? WRONG, again. So off to the internet to figure this whole eating thing out I went. I tried various diets but never once felt myself.
I tried Atkins, South Beach, the eat 800 calorie diet. I tried so many crazy diets. I would lose a few pounds here and there, but it seemed I was always hungry. After coming off those diets, I would almost always gain the weight back. I needed to start somewhere all over. I needed to get my weight off this roller coaster ride. I started walking, eating 1200 calories, I have to admit that the weight really started to fall off when I combined the two. It seemed the advice everyone was giving was right.. an epiphany.. the key to weight loss was a healthy diet and exercise. Could it really be that simple? Yup that worked until it didn’t any longer. I kicked my exercise way up and my foods way down. I was exercising 2-3 hours a day everyday and only eating 1200 calories a day. I was STARVING, raving hungry 24/7. I was doing everything I thought was right but wasn’t losing, my weight loss came to a screeching halt. I researched, I asked for advice, I did everything my nutritionist said to do, and nothing.
I was out of luck, completely frustrated and ready to just give in again to the food issues. I was searching for advice, looking for that one shred of advice that So happened to be surfing the MFP community, I ran across the EM2WL group. Everything I read made perfect sense. I gradually upped my calorie intake.
I got scared spitless the first time I ate over 1600 calories in a day. I was so very afraid that I’d gain, but amazingly after about a week or two, I lost 2 pounds. I’ve lost weight every week since I’ve increased my calories. I can safely eat 1800 calories and not worry about gaining. I am within 6 pounds of my goal weight. All my numbers are positive. For the first time in almost 17 years, I am at a normal BMI, my body fat percentage is within normal range, and for ONCE, I am NOT starving. I couldn’t have done this right without EM2WL. I took the last 20 pounds off with advice from this group. I am proud of my body, proud of what I’ve done. Thanks to EM2WL! I’m eating healthy, eating foods that are right for me and not feeling the hunger so bad, I’d down a half a chocolate cake. Those days are past and here I am now 126 pounds!
Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to
by EM2WL | Sep 19, 2012 | Testimonials, The Journey
My mum always wanted to tell this story, but sadly she didn’t live to do it, so I am doing it for her. She was and always will be my greatest inspiration.
This is very painful for me, but it was always her wish, that we write this story together, so that if it even helped one person, it would be worth it.
My journey is a long one. I think I was about 9 when I first wanted to go on a diet, my mum wouldn’t hear of it, unhealthy at that age, still growing. So I called it healthy eating instead, but secretly, it was a diet! I had body image problems from that age. I was never fat, never thin, just somewhere in the middle, just not perfect enough for me.
By the time I was 14 it was obsession with food and exercise. By 15 I had anorexia nervosa. That was a terrible chapter in my life. I was completely obsessed with food, would read recipe books, cook for other people, but not feed myself. I got very good at being deceitful, hiding food, lying; I knew every trick in the book. I lost weight rapidly. It destroyed my family seeing me fade away, but especially my mum. It is a mother’s instinct to feed her child and she was helpless, watched me slowly starve. For me it wasn’t about the way I looked anymore, it was about total control. I controlled calories in, calories out. It got pretty bad. My hair came out in clumps. I was freezing all the time, used to have 1 hour boiling hot baths just to warm up. Menstruation stopped. My sleep was very disturbed; if I woke at 4am I would get up to exercise for a few hours. I would get up to go for a run before school. I knew I needed fuel before my run, so I would eat one peanut. Yup, one peanut. It’s crazy, your brain is not your own. At my lowest, I was 57 pounds, I am 5 foot 8. I begged not to be hospitalized, I wanted to defeat this illness. I was in my final year at school and missed half of it through illness, my immune system was very low, I would catch any bug that was around. I still got all my exams, which might begin to explain the stubborn and determined person I can be!
My mum’s patience was unbelievable. She was just there for me, in any way that she could be. I was rotten to be around. Very irritable, angry, secretive, but she kept on with her love until slowly I would eat a little more, talk a little more, exercise a little less! My faith and strength drawn from my spiritual way of life really helped too. By the time I was 20 I was pretty healthy. Still a cardio bunny, and would be very careful with what I ate, but a healthy weight and living a pretty normal life.
At 22 I met my husband. He was the first boyfriend I ate in front of! (Some mental chains hang around for years!!) We married in 1999. I had never dared dream of having children as I did not know what damage those years of under eating had done. I was pregnant straight away! My mum was worried at how I would handle my body changing. It was fine! After the first few months of morning sickness I was hungry and I fed my body, I knew the little life growing inside of me depended on me. I got weighed. Aaarrgghh! I started stressing, maybe I should eat less. NO. I put the scale away for the rest of my pregnancy. Honestly I did not set foot on that thing for 6 months! I knew I could not handle those numbers mentally, so I just put it right away. My pregnancy was totally trouble free; I had a beautiful, healthy baby boy, my parent’s first grandchild. I lost any weight I put on within 6 months. Yes, I put too much pressure on myself. Over the next few years, I had 2 more boys. If I gained 10 pounds or so I would just increase the exercise, decrease the calories. My ED had seemingly disappeared for now. I got a little exercise, ate healthily but just so enjoyed being mother to my 3 little boys. I was a little heavier, but not really noticeably and I was fine with that.
My husband is from Barbados and we had always planned on moving back there to raise our family. For many reasons, 5 years ago, we decided to settle where I was from in Northumberland, England instead. We bought our first home just 3 miles from my parent’s house and from where we both work. Everything was wonderful; I had finally found complete happiness.
So, a lovely story that ends well right? Not quite!
My mum had a sore knee; she collapsed during the night and was air lifted to hospital. We thought she’d had a stroke. An MRI showed she had lung cancer, with secondaries in her brain, liver and bones. I’ll spare you all the details, but she passed away, at home, less than 8 weeks later. I was devastated. She was everything to me. My best friend, we worked alongside each other every day for 17 years. I didn’t eat for 5 days. Then, the day after her funeral, I found out I was pregnant again. This one was a surprise! We had always said we were happy with our 3 boys. My mum had always said that one day I would have a girl, we often joked about it. There I was again, responsible for this life inside me, I had to eat properly.
I really struggled without my mum; she offered so much emotional support. It was another terrible chapter in my life. My beautiful daughter was born the following June, so delicate and pretty compared to her big strong brothers. I don’t know how my mum did it, but that was her last gift to me. My daughter is 3 now and has an indomitable spirit just like my mum.
In that first year after I lost my mum, I had the opposite reaction to emotion that I usually do. I ate! But I struggled to do any exercise at all dealing with now running the business, new home, change of plans long term, new baby, losing my mum, I ate absentmindedly, didn’t pay attention, didn’t really care. I gained about 60 pounds.
I have never been this size in my life! So I start what I hope will be the final chapter in my long journey. I am chasing away these demons for good, this is for life! More than anything, I don’t want to affect my daughter or influence her in a negative way.
I came to MFP around the end of May. I started on the 1200 calorie as recommended and got in as much cardio every day as I could possibly manage. I am vegan and cut out any processed vegan proteins, white carbs etc., so was basically eating fruit, vegetables and beans with the odd handful of nuts. I was losing weight, quickly, 3 or 4 pound a week. Great! I felt good as I was having a lot of nutrient dense food. After a couple of weeks the weight loss slowed.
I wanted this weight off fast, I am fed up with being this weight — I want it gone like, now!
So what do you do? What I have always been taught, eat less exercise more. Calories dropped to 700 calories — burns were at over 1000 every day! I stopped enjoying my exercise, as it got harder to do the same thing. Fell asleep on the sofa every night. Got snappy with my children dreaded the scale as the amount of effort I put in was not showing. Luckily this only went on for a few weeks when a fabulous woman on my friends list messages me to say “girl, you need to eat more!” and sent me in the direction of this group.
I was skeptical, I mean come on, I was supposed to eat that much? No way! I spent any spare time reading up, researching and it all made sense to me so I thought well why not give it a go? I upped my calories gradually, but have gone from sub 1000 to around 1900! That was a huge leap of faith for me, I am still playing around with the numbers to find what works for me. Importantly, at the same time I changed my macros to increase protein (from maybe 40 to 140!) and started lifting heavy 3 times a week, sometimes NROLFW sometimes Cathe. My weight went up, came down a bit, up a bit, don’t care so much now.
The best thing is I have learned not to be so hard on myself. I have learned patience. I don’t have to lose x amount of pounds by x date — there are other more important things. Sure, I am still too heavy but that is not my only focus. It is just part of the picture.
So since I increased my calories and started lifting heavy about 8 weeks ago have I noticed any changes? On the scale, not really.
Anywhere else? Absolutely yes!!
My body is changing shape. I have delts and biceps! I can feel and see my quads! I have lost 2% body fat! I have gone down 2 dress sizes! My cardio workouts are on fire!!! I eat the same food as my family, and I don’t get bad tempered at meal times. Food is no longer the enemy, it is my fuel!
I know I am in for a long journey because I am doing it the slow way, and that’s not for everyone, but any progress is just that – progress! I don’t just want to lose weight, I want to be strong and lean for the rest of my days. I love lifting heavy and I love kickboxing.
For me, patience and finding what works for you is the key.
My Daughter was trying to punch my heavy bag with me the other day and I told her, ‘don’t do that, sweetheart, you’ll hurt your hands.’ ‘Can I do it when I’m bigger?’ she asks. ‘yes, when you are older,’ I reply. ‘Right,’ she says,’ I have to eat really good food and then I will get big and strong!’ She’s got it all figured out, I could learn a lot from her…
Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to
by EM2WL | Sep 17, 2012 | Testimonials, The Journey
I am sure you have seen it, people that say eating more to weigh less is bullpoopoo, since eating more is what made them fat in the first place. They swear that 1200 calories or less has no negative impact and it works for them…end of story.
I am not here to tell anyone how to lose weight and get healthy…I can only tell you what worked for me.
In October 2010, I gave birth to my 4th surrogate baby, a precious little girl, into the arms of her parents. The end of the pregnancy was a bit rough, with gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. But, she was out and she was healthy. Three days after giving birth, my blood pressure started being uncontrollable and I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. It usually happens before giving birth, but I like to do things my way. After spending 5 days in the hospital, hooked to so many beeping machines and scared to death of leaving my own kids without a mom, I was released home and more than ever convinced that I wanted to be healthy. My high blood pressure had nothing to do with my weight but I never want to feel that sick in my life — if I can help it.
On November 11th 2010, I logged on MFP for the first time. Like everyone else and their cousins, I was put on 1200 calories a day. I also started 30DS and C25K. The results came immediately, and I lost 15 pounds in the first 3 months. I also lost my will to live…ok, ok it was not that bad LOL — but, I was low in energy and high in irritability. The worst part is that, while I lost weight…it didn’t change my shape. I was a smaller version of my fat self.
So I was miserable, hungry, irritable and still soft…that was not good, I had to find a better way.
I started reading and researching, I knew that 1200 calories were not enough so my first step was to up those to 1400-1500 calories a day. It was a lot better but my weight loss was very slow and has been ever since. Then in the summer of 2011, I ordered the book “The New Rules of Lifting for Women.” I upped my calories again to 1600 on days I didn’t lift and 1900 on days I did. Let me tell you, that first day in the big boy part of the gym was intimidating. There was no way for me to blend in!!! But I faked confidence and did my thing. It was pretty much love at first rep!!! The first 6 weeks, I lost a total of 6 inches but the scale didn’t move. I didn’t care since I was looking better and better.
For 6 months, I did the program, ate my calories and saw no changes on the scale or on the measuring tape. I do not know if it because I am stubborn or stupid, but even with the lack of results I just did the program…and I am glad I did. What I learned is that the tools I was using were the problem…not my body. I was also feeling so much better!!!!
By the time February came around, I was done with the new rules and it was time to try to shed my last 10 pounds so I lowered my calories back to 1400…mistake…bad, bad mistake. In that month I had a cold from hell, my lifting got horrible, I had headaches, mood swings, my cycle turned into a 3 week affair. I was not having fun. I also lost 5 pounds but at a very high price. I then went back to maintenance for a month, then did another cut cycle. I had plan for a month cut cycle but didn’t last a week. This is when I contacted Kiki because I was very lost and I trust her judgment. I really wanted to lose the last 10 pounds. We calculated my TDEE (2000 calories!!!) -15% (1700 calories!!!!) and to try that.
Try that I did!!!

My running got better, my lifting got better and best of all, my body was changing.
“But, but, but,” you ask…what about the scale? Well it stayed the same. In fact…in the 20 months I have been doing this, I lost 15 pounds in the first 3 months, than 5 pounds in the other 17 months. Let just say that view from the outside, it is hardly impressive!!!!
From my own point of view…I am in the best shape of my life, I feel sexy, lifting gives me strength…muscular for sure but also mental and emotional strength…and that makes the number on the scale insignificant.
Have an EM2WL transformation to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to
by EM2WL | Sep 16, 2012 | Consistency
From an original thread in the forums:
I ADORE how more people are realizing that the process requires baby steps. I’ve noticed (as I’m sure many of you have) that it’s the people who try to “change the world” or do everything at once that have the most difficulty with the entire process.
Increasing calories, trying to hit macros perfectly, doing a reset, decreasing/increasing exercise, adding in weight lifting, running a 10k, going Paleo, zigzagging cals, IFing, adding Peanut Butter back in to the diet, drinking protein shakes, adding HIIT, giving up diet soda, switching to low carb/high carb, going to college, getting a degree, becoming a doctor, inventing a cure for cancer…
Ok, so I’m getting carried away…
But you get what I’m saying. Trying to conquer the world during your first week/month/YEAR of EM2WL (or most anything, for that matter), is gonna put you on the fast track to insanity.
One step at a time is all we can do.
Think of all things on your journey that you feel you need to work on: increase protein? drink more water? eat more veggies? not get on the scale as much? add good fats? let go of quick fix mentality? (aka stop watching The Biggest Loser, or reading mags that fill you with doubt…) and pick ONE that will have the greatest impact.
Do that ONE thing, until it is second nature. Then add the next step. There is no rush. You have nothing but time, this is the rest of your life.
Side note: For some, simply increasing calories is putting more than enough on their plates (pardon the pun), and they need to only focus on that.
When we tackle ONE new thing we have an over 80% success ratio. When we try to tackle TWO things, that rate drops as low as 20%
“ONE thing at a time!” you exclaim…”but that may take over a YEAR!”
Set yourself up for success!
Have you considered the changes that you need to make? Which will have the MOST immediate impact? What ONE thing will you be working on?
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