If you’re like most people, you probably think of Amazon as a one-stop shop for everything from books and clothes to electronics and household items. But did you know that Amazon is also a great place to find high-quality protein products? In this blog post, I’ll share my favorite Amazon protein products and explain why I love them. Stay tuned!

My FAVORITE Amazon Protein Products

Usually, I am harping about protein and how you need to get more consistent at protein, so I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite amazon products to help me stay on track with hitting my macros, mainly my protein. And all of these products are available on Subscribe and Save so that you can have them automatically sent to you when you choose.

What you may or may not know about me is that I am a self-professed carb queen. I love carbs. I do not have a hard time getting my carbs in, but I have a hard time staying consistent. If left to my devices, I start eating whatever feels good to me or intuitively. I eat predominantly carbs, which means that my protein ratio can be anywhere from 15 to 10 percent or less because carbs and fat are life, right?

Macronutrients consist of protein, carbs, and fat, for those who don’t know. Let’s also not forget about fiber which is essential because it gives the thermogenic effect of food. This means you are burning calories just in your digestion, including protein. So if you are someone like me who needs to up their protein, then maybe some of these products and tips will help you figure out how to make it work for you.

Now let’s dive into My FAVORITE Amazon Protein Products.


Core Power Protein Shakes

The first product is Core Power Protein Shakes. This 12 pack comes in different flavors that you can try, such as chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry banana. You can choose between 26 or 42 grams of protein (The 42g option is called the Core Power Elite.).

If you are having a tough time hitting protein or someone who looks at your macros at the end of the day and realizes you are down 50g, these shakes may be for you! There are a lot of products that are labeled as “high protein” that are not. However, these Core Power shakes are great when you need to get some grams in.

Now, when it comes to the 42g Core Power Elite shake, I have found that many women find it hard to digest them. It is for me. Usually, in my house, what ends up happening, is that I end up drinking the 26g version, and my husband ends up drinking the 42. This is how it’s been for years, even with protein powders. If you’re somebody who has followed me for any length of time, you know that I was very anti-protein shakes and powders for a very long time, especially Pre 2013-=to 2014.

I thought they were disgusting and tough to get down. However, I discovered over time that some of the protein powders that were marketed toward women were a little bit easier to digest. Many of them were lactose-free or plant-based options, making them a little easier for me to swallow, they started tasting a little bit better, and there were many more options.

I will say that it’s not about the particular brand. Find one you like, but Core Power makes the best protein for me. They are also lactose-free and more accessible to digest than many other brands like Muscle Milk. These are my go-to.

Click HERE To Check It Out!


Collagen Peptides

Next thing on my list is collagen peptides. This brand has 10 grams of protein in each serving, which is excellent for adding an extra protein boost. Collagen peptides are not complete proteins, so you cannot substitute them for something like a protein shake. This is supplemental. I use it in my coffee. No, I am not keto or using it to have like coconut oil, MCT oil, or anything like that. This is literally about the protein for me. And since coffee is something that I drink every morning…. with real creamer and sugar (literally nothing beneficial for me), this is my way of boosting my macros.

If you use collagen already, you know that some can be lumpy. However, this brand (Unflavored) is our preference because it does seem to stir in better than most and gives you an excellent creamy coffee. I will warn you, though, it does not stir well into anything cold, but for us, it works for our hot coffee. It’s been a game-changer for me! I just start each day with a scoop and go about my day.

Click HERE To Check It Out!


Quest Protein Chips

Moving onto our following protein product, Quest chips. Now, I am not going to lie and say that these taste exactly like your regular chips nor are they my favorite to indulge in, but they do the job for some healthy macro boosts.

I keep these around my home and office to have with a sandwich or a quick snack. These give you anywhere from 19-20g of protein, which is not too shabby. You can get them in various flavors like Nacho Cheese, Loaded Taco, and Chili Lime. Chili lime… Oh my goodness. So good. These don’t last very long with my husband and son in my household. They are chip guys. My husband’s favorite is Loaded Taco, and my son thinks these chips are “smack,”…. Whatever that means. (If you are under 30, perhaps you know and can fill me in!)

Click HERE To Check It Out!


Chicken of the Sea Tuna Infusions

Tuna…. but not just any tuna. This particular type is higher in protein ranging around 22g of protein per cup. There are a lot of unique flavors to try, like Lemon and Thyme, Basil, Cracked Black Pepper, Garlic Herb, Cilantro Lime, and Smoked. You can carry them anywhere and come with a small spoon, so it’s easy to eat with your favorite bread or crackers.

Click HERE To Check It Out!

Now that concludes our protein heavy lifters….. Now for the fun stuff!


Quest Caramel Candy Bites

These are DELICIOUS!!!! They only have 5g of protein, but they are only 80 calories and give you 4 grams of fiber! Are you kidding me? For chocolate and nuts? I gobble them up! They sometimes help at night when you are a snacker or have a sweet tooth like I do but don’t have the macros to grab your favorite candy bar. Seriously, get some now!

And Lastly… My Favorite!

Click HERE To Check It Out!


Skinny Girl Popcorn

I keep this in stock because I love popcorn! I eat it every night, and if you are like me, you may want to look into something like Skinnygirl.
It’s not super macro-friendly, but there is a good amount of fiber in these.
Now that you know some of my favorites find what works for you! Hopefully, this gave you some good protein ideas. Let me know how you guys like it in the comments below.


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