August Challenge

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As summer draws to an end, many of our followers are thinking about back to school time being just around the corner and getting back into those familiar routines. While routines and schedules may not seem like a lot of fun after the freedom of summer trips to the beach, afternoons in the park, and long nights relaxing in the backyard, healthy habits and routines can make the difference between floundering and flourishing when life gets busy.

This month’s challenge is intended to look at building healthy routines that are sure to help you succeed in your fitness journey. You will be challenged daily to take small steps that yield great rewards.By building these small challenges into your weekly routines, you will likely discover that a little bit of planning and advance preparation go a long way at eliminating the stress of sticking to a healthy lifestyle.

This month you will be challenged to plan for success in the following areas:

Healthy Habits - Reading

Plan time to Relax

Rest and recovery are just as essential to your success as remaining consistent with your fitness and nutrition. Make sure that you take at least one, and preferably two days per week to rest from your intense workouts. These challenges will encourage you to unplug, rest, relax, and pamper yourself. Enjoy this time, guilt-free, knowing that you have earned this time!

Healthy Habits - No scale

Plan to take a break from the scale

At EM2WL, we recommend not measuring your progress solely by the number on the scale. While the scale does give some data that may be helpful in assessing your progress, for many women obsessing over this number can do more to hinder progress than to keep you moving forward. These challenges give you a once-weekly break from weighing yourself and encourage you to look for other, more valuable markers of progress.

Healthy Habits - Be active

Plan to be active

An essential part of your EM2WL lifestyle is remaining active and making progress in regard to your fitness performance. These challenges will encourage you to plan ahead for success in the gym, push a little harder, squeeze in some extra activity, and in general become a more awesome version of yourself. Enjoy your active lifestyle !

Plan to make healthy substitutions

Making very small changes to the foods that you eat can make a big difference. Simple changes to a recipe may increase the protein or fiber of a recipe, cut down on the calories, or bump up the nutrient value. Try experimenting with some healthy substitutions with some of your family favorites!

Healthy Habits - Read labels

Plan to eat for success

Planning your meals in advance can be a huge lifesaver when remaining consistent with your healthy lifestyle. Taking simple steps like prepping a few dinners or breakfasts, planning your meals and cutting down on your grocery trips can save you time in the kitchen so you can spend more time doing the things you love!

Healthy Habits - Indulge mindfully

Plan to indulge mindfully

Planning for occasional indulgences should be part of any healthy lifestyle. Choose to treat yourself to a decadent dessert, enjoy a date night out with your honey, or catch up with a good friend at your favorite lunch spot without any guilt. Eat mindfully and without remorse, paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues. One off-plan meal will not derail your goals! Indulging in moderation will help you to see that all foods can and should be part of your healthy lifestyle!


Plan to make fitness fun

While your scheduled gym workouts and strength training sessions are key to your success, remember to think outside the box in regard to your fitness. Invite your friends and family to join you in these fun fitness challenges.

Photo credit: John Kasawa, stockimages,  phasinphoto, Ambro of


Becca is a busy wife and homeschooling mother to five children ages 5 to 13. About three years ago, she embarked on a journey to health and fitness that resulted in the loss of approximately 100 pounds. Today, she is a competitive powerlifter and strongwoman who loves ice cream and deadlifts.  As an ISSA certified personal trainer, she is passionate about helping women to get started on a lifestyle of strength and fitness.

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