What if I told you?… You don’t need to eat low carb, workout for hours a day, spend your weekend meal prepping, or even miss out on eating donuts with your kids. Did you know that you CAN lose weight WITHOUT cutting out the foods you love?


How to Lose Weight WITHOUT Cutting out the Foods you Love

In this Youtube video, we are throwing back to my interview with Amber of Biceps After Babies (@biceps.after.babies on IG 📲!) as she speaks ALL about how she created a body she loves WITHOUT giving up the foods she loves!
In this chat, you’ll discover, how YOU can also be an example that ALL foods can fit into your diet and that you can eat the food you love while seeing the progress you want to see (rather than taking breaks from your progress to “enjoy life”).
If you…
  • Eat “healthy” but don’t see the scale go down.
  • Are overwhelmed with the thought of getting started counting macros.
  • Feel “stuck” or “frustrated” in your fat loss journey.
  • Start the day with such good intentions but then end it with a carton of ice cream and guilt.
It doesn’t have to be this way….
You CAN find food freedom AND finally make progress on your fat loss goals… …without having to cut out ice cream or pizza.
(Got a friend who is struggling, removing everything from their diet, and seeing no progress? Share it with them!)
And Great News!!!
My friend, Amber Brueseke from Biceps After Babies, will be holding a FREE 5 Days to a Fitter You Challenge starting March 21, 2022. Trust me, you will love it!
Want to get fitter WITHOUT misery? Nothing restrictive. Nothing off-limits. 100% customized to the body you want? THIS CHALLENGE IS FOR YOU! Daily Emails, Daily Training, and ALL recorded – so get in it, get on it, and invite a friend!


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