
Happy Browsng!

Sandi – Still shrinking…despite the scale not moving

Sandi – Still shrinking…despite the scale not moving

I started out my weight loss journey eating a very low calorie diet and not doing much outside of my normal activity for exercise.  While the pounds were dropping off at a great pace at that time my body started telling me something different.  I started losing my...

Cardio Intensity – Low, Moderate, or High?

Cardio Intensity – Low, Moderate, or High?

Cardio Intensity:  High, moderate, or low intensity cardio, which should you do?  All have benefits, so picking the one (or better yet, including a mix) that will help you reach your goals is key. High intensity is the most time efficient, and can really rev the fat...

Heavy-Light Workout Plan

Torn between whether to lift heavy to build true, dense, muscle -- or lighter weights for the temporary "pump" that it provides?  You can have them both in this challenging workout. The Plan:  A 4-day, workout split featuring a variation of push/pull with one heavy...

One year, 61 pounds, & 15% bodyfat later…

One year, 61 pounds, & 15% bodyfat later…

Today marks 365 days of logging into MFP.  I haven’t missed a day so it was exactly 1 year ago that I decided enough was enough, got my a** into gear, and changed my life. Let me back up a bit and explain what led me to that point (but feel free to skip to the pics)...

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

Need some help hitting your protein goals without meat?  Try this protein and fiber packed vegan version of a Mexican favorite - Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers.   Meat lover?  Just add ground beef! - Submitted by Odette   Those newer to EM2WL are...

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the EM2WL Mommies!! We hope you all have a blessed day with your families, and enjoy any eats that they choose to pamper you with. As promised, we've also selected a random winner for our giveaway, the $25 Amazon Gift Card: Emily We will...

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