
Happy Browsng!

Full Throttle – Workout Routine – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Full Throttle – Workout Routine – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Summer bodies are built in winter. Most people won't even begin to think about getting "ripped" for summer until well after those April showers have come and gone, and the threat of tank top season is closing in on them. But you're smarter than that. You know that you...

I was doing it ALL WRONG! ~Rachael’s “aha!” moment…

I had always been skinny and in shape prior to having children. I never had to watch what I ate, count a calorie, and even worry a bit about my weight. After having my first child, 9 years ago, I gained about 55 lbs, watched what I ate, but not strictly and worked...

New Year’s Resolution Giveaway Winner – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

  We enjoyed hearing how everyone is (or isn't) tackling their New Year's resolutions in 2013! We would also like to congratulate the winner of our giveaway, the Supreme 90-Day workout DVD set: Brenda Bringman Brenda, you will soon receive your new workout...

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