Happy Browsng!
Q & A: Gaining weight during reset
Q: I lost around 30lbs very quickly by doing over an hour of cardio/day, 7 days/week, and severely restricting calories. When I hit a plateau, I increased cardio further and decreased cals to lose the last 12lbs. Eventually 15 of those pounds came back. I found...
How did this happen? – Helene’s One Year Update (Trust the Process!)
I've been part of this wonderful EM2WL family for a year now. I'm nowhere near my goal weight...in fact, I'm actually farther away from my goal now than I was when I joined this group (thanks Christmas 2012!!!) But even though the scale hasn't shown much weight loss,...
A Year Later: Life Beyond Fat Loss
Guest Post from Mommamuscles Its been about a year since my update on my experience with eating more. Its funny how much things can change in a year. My goals have been altered quite a bit in the past year and if you had told me that I'd be where I am today a year...
Guns and Ammo Workout Plan – Eat More 2 Weigh Less
The Workout Plan: A 3-day drop set extravaganza, using a Upper/Lower body split approach. This workout plan features added arm, glute, and hamstring focus to help dial in these areas for the approaching tank top and shorts season. This workout plan is for those that...
Tips on Taking Measurements – Eat More 2 Weigh Less
Let's face it. The scale is a one trick pony. And if we're being perfectly honest, it doesn't even do that trick well most of the time. When living the slower paced, fat loss lifestyle, it's best to have a multitude of measuring tools to gauge progress. While the...
Bulking Before a Marathon? ~Beck’s update – Eat More 2 Weigh Less
Just wanted to give an update on my journey. When I last talked to you guys, I was planning on bulking in the winter. Well, I did end up diving right in. I plugged all my info into the Scooby calculator and started out with my bulk calories at 2500/day. I...
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