
Happy Browsng!

August Challenge: Healthy Habits and Routines

August Challenge: Healthy Habits and Routines

As summer draws to an end, many of our followers are thinking about back to school time being just around the corner and getting back into those familiar routines. While routines and schedules may not seem like a lot of fun after the freedom of summer trips to the...

Jenny’s Inspiring EM2WL Success Story

Jenny’s Inspiring EM2WL Success Story

I found EM2WL in January 2014 and it was an answer to my prayers. EM2WL has forever changed my life, health, mind, and my relationship with food and myself. I am still certainly a work in progress, but each day I am closer to reaching my goals. I have lost 40 pounds...

5 Tips for Battling Inconsistency in your Fitness Goals

5 Tips for Battling Inconsistency in your Fitness Goals

Planning ahead can be a critical piece of the puzzle in seeing the results you desire and progressing towards your fitness goals. In the beginning stages, it can feel pretty overwhelming and stressful to get all the pieces in the right place. Don't let it overwhelm...

No-nonsense Fat Loss

No-nonsense Fat Loss

If you listen to the media, fat loss can sound pretty complicated.  High carb, low carb, nutrient timing, intermittent fasting, carb cycling, ketogenic diets, carb backloading, juicing, green smoothies, magical supplements... It can be challenging to keep a level head...

CrossFit in the Park

CrossFit in the Park

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Reebok. Last week I had the awesome opportunity to check out Summer in the Square, which offers a series of outdoor fitness classes and other free events held in NYC's beautiful Union Square park.  The...

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