
Happy Browsng!

Guns and Ammo Workout Plan – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Guns and Ammo Workout Plan – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

The Workout Plan:  A 3-day drop set extravaganza, using a Upper/Lower body split approach. This workout plan features added arm, glute, and hamstring focus to help dial in these areas for the approaching tank top and shorts season.  This workout plan is for those that...

Tips on Taking Measurements – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Let's face it.  The scale is a one trick pony.  And if we're being perfectly honest, it doesn't even do that trick well most of the time. When living the slower paced, fat loss lifestyle, it's best to have a multitude of measuring tools to gauge progress.  While the...

The Long Haul update – Bulk completed!

The Long Haul update – Bulk completed!

I have officially completed 3 months of Cathe Freidrich’s Shock Training System and my first bulk.  Although I had planned to do a nice, clean bulk, several personal factors upset my normal life and unfortunately my macros during bulk and my choices were not very...

Total Body Supersets

This month, we're taking a break from the body-part split, and featuring a full body Supersets plan for those with busier schedules as spring approaches. The Plan: A 3-day workout split, featuring a total body, superset approach.  The approach to the exercises will...

“Trust your body, trust the process” – Eat More 2 Weigh Less

Guest Post from Jen It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about my progress and my ponderings.  Most of you have read my story, and I’m still chugging right along on my “transformation.”  So .. here goes! Gosh. Where do I start?  A few weeks ago on a Monday. ...

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