
Happy Browsng!

WIN Detergent Review

WIN Detergent Review

  I recently came back from another extended vacation to the West Coast and -- after picking up all of my accumulated mail from the time away (and crying over a few expired coupons/offers) -- I was excited to see that my WIN Detergent samples had arrived while I...

Periodization: Key for Preventing Plateaus

Periodization: Key for Preventing Plateaus

When someone first begins working out, pretty much anything they do can and likely will bring results.  That's why it's not uncommon for newbies, or those who spend most of their time training them, to have a wide variety of go-to strategies that "work." Though most...

Macronutrients:  Eating for Your Body Type

Macronutrients:  Eating for Your Body Type

  In part 1 of this series we reviewed the basics of macronutrients and why each one plays an important role in your diet.   While it's important to understand what macronutrients are and how they function in your body, what most of us want to know is how to turn...

September 2014 Challenge: Healthy Habits

September 2014 Challenge: Healthy Habits

Challenge Yourself to Create Healthy Habits For most of us, summer is now behind us and we are settling into a new routine. Last month's calendar challenged you to establish healthy habits and routines. This month, that theme continues with challenges in the following...

WEIGHT Loss vs FAT Loss

WEIGHT Loss vs FAT Loss

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss Do you often feel like you're totally on point with your exercise and eating, then step on the scale and lose all hope and encouragement? Yeah...I'm talking to, who may have just thought -- 5 minutes before weighing -- "dang I look...

Macronutrients: Proteins, Carbs and Fats

Macronutrients: Proteins, Carbs and Fats

When embarking on a new fitness goal one of the most challenging components is knowing what to eat, how often and how much. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the many conflicting recommendations and determining where to begin. A great place to start is simply with...

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