Jen: I Finally GOT WITH IT…

Jen: I Finally GOT WITH IT…

losing weightWEIGHT.  What is that?  Weight has lots of definitions.  The definition that commonly applies, at least in this setting is: “the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount that a thing weighs”.  Okie dokie then.   As humans, we weigh “x”.  Our mass is made up of lean muscle, fat, organs, water, and bodily fluids.  However, typically our minds go to FAT.  We don’t think about the other, but hey – we need to wrap our heads around that and finally  GET WITH IT.  Oh .. It has taken me YEARS to get with it.  You see… this isn’t my first Rodeo.  I’m striving for this to be my final, championship Rodeo.  The rodeo that stays in town and me with it.
Losing weight.  Eh.  Maintaining the body you want – OH YEA – that takes a plan, a way of life, a life change that you can stick with – because it’s REAL.  It works for you and you can stick with it forever.  This is LIFE. Must find a way to live, stay fit, healthy – for Life.

50 lbs.  That has always seemed to be my number.  Has been my nemesis since I was 13. That # 50.  Lost it when I was 16. Gained it back by age 18. And that cycle repeated itself up until 1998 when that number turned to 80. 80!!  How in the flip did that happen !!??  Oh yea ..  THAT is how it happened.  No surprises to tell.  Ate too much, exercised too little – didn’t pay attention, didn’t really care.  Since 1998, I’d do what I’d always done, you know the drill – eat less, eat stuff you really don’t want to eat, do exercise that you really don’t want to do. EH.  After a while – you quit.  Maybe you lose a bit, but then you STOP the diet and voila – the fat is back – didn’t even knock – just came on in.  Darn fat – it’s rude. It’s why you just have to kill it – take no prisoners. But killing it and having it stay dead – THAT, THAT is the thing. Ya.

Stayed on this cycle of losing a bit, gaining since 1998.  Finally last year, I decided – THIS IS IT.  I’m done messing around, I’m getting WITH IT.  I’ve been unwavering since then. I was ready.  And sometimes, you just aren’t ready.  Ready to get serious, ready to make permanent changes.  And you know what … it  isn’t magic.  It isn’t overnight.  It isn’t a quick fix.  And you know .. what’s the hurry?  Educate yourself.  Find what works for YOU, what you can do FOREVER. So, that’s what I did.  I’ve lost 50 pounds, 5 sizes. All while EATING well, fueling my body,   I’m not done yet.  I plan on being fit, lean, healthy and HOT at 80. It’s a journey, not a sprint.

losing weightOh yes … the SCALE. Let’s talk about that.  In the words of Cousin Eddie – I have a “quality item right there” – it’s a nice one. Sleek, accurate, will tell me all sorts of data. However, I’m now looking at it as a tool in my arsenal along with  my food scale, my blender, my tape measure.  Oh .. the TAPE MEASURE. That’s a handy thing right there. And pictures.  I’ve not been so good about pics – wish I had been.  But, I digress.  The scale – everybody uses it.  The doctor, the wellness coach at work, trainer at the gym, US – at home. Sometimes obsessively at home.  The number it flashes gets branded on us. We get used to thinking that number is US.  That number is WHAT’S UP with how we are doing, how we are looking, how we are feeling. Lets just STOP now – shall we? Oh.. I’m trying.  And, success stories I’ve read – and my own that I’m sharing with you  – keep reiterating that putting so much credence in that scale # must STOP.

K.  What’s Up with me?  This is pretty huge.  For women, there are 2 subjects that usually are not broached in polite society.  Age and Weight.  I never lie about my age, never have.  Never saw the point – age is a state of being and it is what it is.  In fact, I LOVE to tell people my age.  They get that shocked look.  WEIGHT.  Oh yea.  Always have.  Can’t remember a time that I didn’t.  Years ago, weight was on your driver’s license.  They asked your height and weight and eye color.  My answer was always 145.  Wasn’t a crazy ridiculous, totally unbelievable number.  That was on my license for years.  A few months ago, I stopped lying about my weight.  Deep breath.  It’s still ingrained in me that I’ll be judged by that number – no matter how I may LOOK.  But!  I’m choosing to not let myself be identified by my body weight number.

I’m 5 feet, 4 1/2 inches tall.  I wear a size 8.  In May 2011 (after I had total knee replacement surgery)  I weighed 236, size 18.  When I decided to GET WITH IT,  I thought:  I”ll lose 40 pounds, maybe 50 if I can.  I’d like to get back into a size 12.  Size 10 would be awesome.  Size 10 was the smallest size I’ve worn in my adult life so that was my ultimate skinny size.  I remember wearing a 10 twice in my life.  Age 16 at 135 pounds.  Age 30-something at 155-160 pounds.
I’ve looked at pics of me at 135 – I was truly skinny fat.  I looked SKINNY, pale – actually not good at all.  But .. size 10. Remember those 10s – were Levis.  At 160, I was more toned, not skinny. Size 10.
losing weightThis time around, I started with the 1200 calorie a day gig.  Don’t we all seem to do that?  And Cardio.  BUT .. something different occurred this time.  I started weight training.  First with the weight machines.  Hmmmm.  I liked that.  Getting stronger and losing inches.  But .. those 1200 calories were not cutting it.  I was hungry and I’d stopped losing despite all my hard work.  I read, I listened, I researched.  EAT MORE.  That is what I kept hearing, reading .. EAT MORE.  I resisted. Finally … OK!  Gonna do it.  I did it.  I started eating MORE. Net 1700.   Net 1900.   I started losing weight again.   I moved to free weights.  Heavy lifting – oh YEA.   That is my ticket – THE ticket if you truly want to know my thought.  My body started changing so much.   Stronger, leaner, clothes started falling off me.  I started eating more.  Continue to lose inches .. and those clothing sizes.   BUT … the scale stopped moving.  Hmmmmmm.   But … hold on!  I’m smaller.  I am strong.  I feel INCREDIBLE.  BP, Glucose, Cholesterol – all good.  Resting heart rate of 48.   I look good in the mirror, I look good in my clothes, look pretty darn good naked .. but the SCALE.  So, what’s a girl to do? Go to the store and buy some new pants.

Picked up the 10s and off to the dressing room.  Weirdness.  They were too loose.  BUT, BUT .. I’ve never worn anything smaller than a 10.   NO WAY do I wear an 8.   I felt like such a fraud going back to get the size 8 off the rack and taking it to the dressing room.  Up over the hips, buttoned around the waist, zipped UP .. WTH!!  I can breathe in them, bend over.  NO way.   Had to sit down for a sec.  When I checked out, I expected the cashier to ask me to PROVE that that was really my size.  Nope, she didn’t blink an eye.   OK … you are thinking – what’s the BIG DEAL.  Size 8.  Ok .. yada yada yada.  Ok .. here’s the deal.  I still am working on my body – I have about 15  pounds of fat I want to burn, recomp to lean muscle  before I’m at my ULTIMATE goal.   But, you see – my goal isn’t a “number of pounds” lost any more.   It can’t be.   Things have changed.  K .. READY.  This is where I continue to not lie about my weight.

I’m a size 8.   And as of this morning —– I weigh 187

losing weightMy ultimate goal is to fit into size 6 jeans that are brand new and are hanging in my closet.  I will get there.  AND ..  I will maintain this new body of mine by keeping it properly fueled and keep it moving.  For LIFE.   There are no magic pills, potions or shakes.   Food. Exercise. Repeat.  That’s the recipe.

YA. Put away the scale. Get out the tape measure. Take some pictures. And above all: EAT.

I’m so passionate about health and fitness and the changes I’ve experienced; driven by a desire to  help others educate themselves and achieve their goals – I’m in the midst of a career change.  Law and Human Resources with a specialty in employee relations has been my career path.  My new career?  Health Coach.   I’m studying Holistic Nutrition and working on my health coaching certification.  I’m planning on launching my business GET WITH IT FOR LIFE in September.

Update: The Long Haul “…so far from who I used to be…”

Update: The Long Haul “…so far from who I used to be…”

to follow Nicole’s journey from the beginning : Part 1, Part 2

I have finally completed a full 8 week metabolic reset.  I gained a total of 3 lbs on the reset (8lbs since beginning my EM2WL journey 15 weeks ago), and my inches are up again but during the last few weeks, my weight stabilized, I had no trouble eating all my calories (sometimes wanting more!) and I just felt ‘ready’ by the end.  It wasn’t an anxiety to cut my cals because I was freaking out over weight anymore, it was just a feeling of ‘spinning  my wheels’ so to speak.  It was weird how tangible that feeling of being ready to cut was.  A calm yearning to move on to the next step.  A peace at where I was physically, emotionally and mentally but with a desire to move forward.  A reset is so much more than just resetting your metabolism.  It’s about resetting your mind and your emotional responses to your weight and food as well.  There is so much healing that happens during a proper reset, that you are just a different person by the end of it!

metabolic resetI am looking forward to revealing the muscle I’ve been building up these past 8 weeks but I am going on vacation in a few days and I’m not sure how that will affect things.  I plan to stay within my caloric budget, but we will be backcountry camping and boondocking off the grid so getting my macros on target is usually very difficult under those circumstances and my sodium intake is usually through the roof (a lot more packaged/processed food).  I also will have two weeks with a new exercise regime…I won’t have my weights with me for much strength work so I’m going to modify a few things to do HIIT and body weight work plus hiking and running to keep my exercise up.

I’m so thrilled with my new found health from doing this metabolic reset and now I’m looking forward to seeing my body reflect that physically!  I will be doing a tdee – 15% cut (modified a bit due to a change in exercise which puts me at approximately 2100 cals/day).  Dropping calories has not been difficult exactly for me, but I definitely miss the extra food and I’m finding I’m having to work a little harder on meeting that protein macro.  I’m sure that will all become easier with practice though.

Time to continue on to the next leg of this journey!  The thought of FINALLY being able to start losing weight without having to eat like a bird or exercise for hours is so exciting!  I am so far away from who I used to be, it’s mind boggling!  Let’s do this!  J

And the Eat More 2 Weigh Less Contest Winner is….

And the Eat More 2 Weigh Less Contest Winner is….

eat more 2 weigh lessWell the people have spoken, and the next Eat More 2 Weigh Less shirts off the press will bear a new slogan! We want to congratulate the winner of our first contest/giveaway, and winner of a FREE t-shirt:

 Danielle Dufort with the slogan


Danielle will receive a new tank in her chosen color (green?) and will be able to proudly rock her slogan!

We will be contacting you with the details, Danielle, and getting that order in to our printer right away!

Congrats again!

It’s not all about the scale!! (a transformation story)

It’s not all about the scale!! (a transformation story)


transformation storyJust wanted to share my transformation story with all of you wonderful EM2WL people.

I started MyFitnessPal (MFP) after seeing pictures of myself from spring break.  I had been in school and was slowly gaining weight.  I never really noticed until I saw the pictures.

After plugging all my data into MFP, I started focusing on healthier choices and staying within my calorie limits.  My first week on MFP was a real eye-opener for me.  I realized that I normally ate about 900 cals/day during the week and binged on the weekends. I began running, and lifting weights occasionally.  However, I was more focused on cardio than I was on strength training.  I dropped weight quickly, but I wasn’t eating back my exercise calories.  This usually put me at a net calorie intake of ~1000 cals/day.

I still wasn’t happy with my body.  I felt better, but didn’t look the way I wanted to.  I felt “skinny fat”, I weighed less than I had for 3 years, but still had a higher body fat percentage.  Also, despite all my efforts, I had hit a plateau.  I was stuck and I was getting discouraged.  I tried eating even less, but never thought about eating more.  I couldn’t get the scale to budge.  I was stuck at 140 lbs for about 6-9 months and wanted to change something to give me the body I wanted.  I just didn’t know what to change.

transformation storyAround this time, I had started running longer distances, and I decided to train for a half marathon.  With all the training I was doing, I realized that I should be fueling my body properly.  I upped my calories in December of 2011, but with the big burns, I still continued to net about ~1200 cals/day.  Before I ran my half in January of 2012, I met an awesome lady named Lucia on the forums at MFP.  She introduced me to the concept of Eating More to Weigh Less and how it’s important to know your TDEE and BMR.  She encouraged me to up my calories even more and explained that my net was too low and that was probably why I was plateauing. My body was scared to lose anything because I had been essentially starving it.  I upped my cals and started eating back enough exercise calories to net my BMR every day. Some days I ended up eating over 2000 calories.  However, my runs improved and I started feeling less fatigued.  My body was happy for the extra fuel.  During that time, I gained 3 lbs, but I felt better than ever.   I decided to “throw away” my scale.

To wrap up, I’m still running, but not frequently. transformation storyI switched my focus to strength training. I’ve been training with the New Rules of Lifting for Women book and just recently started Stronglifts 5×5. I still weigh myself occasionally, but I know the scale is a liar. I’m 5’7″ and weigh about 145-150. Lately, it’s been closer to 150. I work out 5-6 days/week. I usually eat between 1900-2300 calories/day depending on my exercise for the day. I no longer am a slave to cardio…I do a full-body lifting workout 2-3x/week and I take an MMA-styled class at my gym 2x/week for cardio. My next plan to to do a bulk cycle this winter. I’m a little nervous, but ready to dive in.

I have been Eating More to Weigh Less since January of 2012 and I will never go back!! Coming from a disordered eating style to the freedom of EM2WL has been life-changing for me and I hope my story will inspire others who have struggled as well.

Have a EM2WL transformation story to share? Willing to let us tag along on your journey? We’d love to see it! Be featured on our Transformation/Journey page by submitting your story to

Mike’s Weight Loss Journey *update* Down 30lbs!! & Lesson Learned

Mike’s Weight Loss Journey *update* Down 30lbs!! & Lesson Learned

find the beginning of Mike’s Journey here

Mike gives us an updated look, in his own words, at his journey so far, the ups, downs, doubts, and hitting a plateau….

weight loss


Hey Guys,
So I have been at a weight loss plateau for a couple of weeks, and want to let you know why (for people that may think they are doing good).

I was getting frustrated with EM2WL for a few. REAL frustrated. I have been at 285.4 for 3 weeks and have not lost. I have been hitting my numbers (or so I thought) for the last 3 weeks.

Anyways, I was like 3 seconds from seriously cutting calories. however, before I did that, I made an effort to parse through ALL my numbers/date for the last month. What I found was pretty shocking and I know why I plateaued.

1. Alcohol – Yep, its a killer for me. Over the last month I have let wine back in, and the bar on the weekend. While I was “leaving room” for my wine, while drinking it I would get careless with my food a bit.

weight lossThis resulted in me not estimating my calories well/eating less health choices. We all know alcohol gets processed first by the liver, and can lead to fat retention due to other foods not being processed properly.

2. Two binges, because of drinking, completely wiped out two weeks worth of work. Two Fridays in a row me and my buddies drank a ton, and hit jack in the crack afterwards (when drunk the justification is “Damn I’m working out I can eat!”.)

Anyways when your running at a 500 calorie a day deficit, a drunk time + trip to jack in the box will wipe out your progress for a given week, Nuclear Holocaust style.

3. I needed a mental break. While we all know that weight loss is hard work, its nice to take some time off to recharge the mental batteries. I took off from working out and counting calories (I did NOT eat unhealthy, and ate basically what I eat on my healthy days anyways).

So I sabotaged my own weight loss, and my first inclination was to blame EM2WL when I had no-one but myself to blame.

Things I hope you take from this.

Because we are running at TDEE – 15%, in some cases being 300 calorie deficit, one slip up during the week can sabotage that weeks weight loss. Thats a 2100 calorie weekly deficit. One night of drinking, or one errant jack in the box trip that sends us over our TDEE can ruin the hard work in that week. We may not gain weight (hitting our Maintenance weight), but you might kill that weeks weight loss.

I was lax on this, however I am recharged, and re-doubling my efforts.
Ill be burning about 3000 calories with 2 hikes this weekend to kick off my getting on track week.


weight loss


Hey Guys,

Just doing my monthly update. I am down 30lbs in I think ~3 months (may 3 1/2). I had a rough patch for a week or two (of binging a bit) but I got back on it, and now moving down again.

Gotta keep my head in it and keep pushing forward.


STOP Spinning your wheels and Get OFF the Rollercoaster!



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